Head, shoulders, knees and toes

Rosie's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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and elbows, hands and bum and head!! Its all trying to get out of my bump! Im having some really funny shapes already pushing out of my bump; my belly button was being stretched out to a point last night and it really freaked me out! Im wondering if its because its all loose from already having a baby or I have a bigger baby inside - whichever it is, this baby is WAY more active than Rosie was at this stage! :lol:
I've heard boys are more active in the womb than girls ;)
I had a boy first he was 8lb 13born and he was just like that you could see everything and sometime towards the end it started to hurt when he did really big kicks. But 2nd time a girl who was 7lb 14oz still had movement but nothing like my little boy was she let me have a bit of rest lol, so i dunno if it down to sex of baby or there size but mine was with my first xxxxxxxxxx
I've never experienced being pregnant with a girl ( fingers crossed for this time! ) but both my boys went nuts inside me.. Felt like they were crawling all the time!
Hehe we'll have to see. When I found out I was pregnant my immediate reaction was that its a boy, same with Rosie I knew I was carrying a girl. At the scan my OH and his mother both said they saw a willy..Im still banking on having a surprise but its funny to hear about all these theories! :)
i felt like mine was gonna break out last night ha! tonight its bein a good bbay havnt felt it since veing home from work. giving me a rest
I'm not getting any rest at the moment, I think baby's training for the Olympics or something....it was nice at first, and I know I sound horrible saying this but I do wish it would quieten down a little bit, I'm looking forward to when it's got less room to manoeuvre!!

I can never tell what part of baby it is that's poking me though, is there a way to tell?! I've been guessing that the really hard prods are feet but other than that I'm completely clueless!
i cant stop smiling reading all your messages cuz i know i have it comin.. just wish time goes abit quicker!! i cant wait to feel the first kick!
ive been having this to!! lol
I was sat at my sisters and little mans head was stretched right out it looks massive hugggggge and sometimes his bum sticks out an hes very active baby at 25 weeks to hes a right bugger but love him lots :p :D.
The stretches that Tristan does seem to hurt a little when he moves and the kicks are getting stronger so bit more uncomftableness and then my poor little tummy is going to explode lol xx
I love this bit of pregnancy, you really feel they are right there with you - enjoy RM
I second what the ladies said about boys being more active - girls are way more chilled - gotta love all that movement though! I can tell all the body parts now and which way bubs is laying by having a good feel.
Inky the hard ones are prob kicks as you said but if you have a good feel of tum you could be able to feel head and back and work out which way bubs is lying. Can anyone else tell or am i just imagining it? I can also tell when babe is turning rather than kicking and he/she is deffo breech at the moment which is a really odd sensation, but obviously my bladder makes quite a good trampoline!!!
I get the trampoline feeling too! Its so strange - also I can feel when bubs is turning, its a very odd sensation but Im loving every minute of it as I know we wont have another baby!
That sound amazing :)

Im just starting to feel very slight flutterings but cant wait to be kicked! :)

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