Head dropping


Aug 24, 2005
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I am being sent for an ultrasound as my doctor thinks the baby's head has dropped.

Does the baby continue to move if it's head is down?

I can't wait to see the baby again. Our hospital won't tell us if it is a boy or a girl so I hope he/she really shows off so I can see or not see what I need to.
my baby dropped about 32 weeks.. why are they sending you for a scan? yeah baby will still punch and kick u to death lol
Yeah head normally drops from about 30weeks + mine also dropped at 32weeks, still as active as ever. Dont quite understand why you would need a scan?

Or has the head actually engaged already?
My doctor said she could not tell where the head is so she wants to check. She has been a bit of a worrier since my pregnancy began and I have been having a lot of pain.

I love the ultrasounds so let her worry so long as nothing is wrong.

Glad to hear that I will still be able to feel the baby!

i went to see mw yesterday and since my 20 week scan baby has been slighty bigger than my dates 2 weeks ago he was almost 3 weeks bigger than he should be! and yesterday he was 2 weeks bigger and his head is engaged 4/5 or something when i go in 2 weeks time if he has engaged even more they will move my due date but if he hasnt then i will have to go for another scan as they think my pelvis might be to small for this huge baby as the midwife put it lol i noticed the other day my belly drppoed right down i have a huge gap between my boobs and bump now looks kinda odd but im hoping my due date will be moved :D
My baby's head's in the right place but not engaged - I didn't think baby could drop so early!!

Is it uncomfortable?

mines been low for ages and at my miswife appointment she said hes 4/5 engaged!
any second time mums that can tell me if this is a good sign?
i know babies r unpredictable but when his head is fully engaged surely he wont sit like that for weeks on end?! :shock:
thats the same as me 4/5 engaged she said it was fine although most babies dont engage untill around 36 weeks she said but its a good sign

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