He likes being awake..


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010
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RJ has decided he likes being awake".................all the time :)

He just won't sleep and consequently he is getting grumpy, does anyone have any ideas on how to get him to sleep so he stays asleep, even after a feed he isn't sleeping, I sit here and hold him and he may go to sleep if I am lucky but when I put him down he wakes up and I kind of feel I am making a rod for my own back with that.

At night he only sleeps for about 4 hours in total that's in between feeds and the only time he even remotely stays asleep is when he is in with me and hubby!!!
Sometimes when ralph is like this I swaddle him and falls asleep quite quickly. Have you tried this? Xx
Lula was being grumpy a while ago coz she was tired, but wouldn't sleep, well drifts off then wakes herself up again, totally fighting it, so I put her in the car and drove up tescos, she was soundo by the time I got there, am home again and she is still asleep :yay: When Oz was a baby I used to put him in his pram also and go for a walk!
Same problem here! Tried everything we can think of, but it's hit and miss. Sometimes, like last night, I just have to live on 2 hours sleep! :( x
Swaddle him, turn him on his side and close in to you as if you were breastfeeding, pop a dummy in a rock him gently.

Works for us :) x
We use a White noise app on the iPhone. No matter how awake jess is when I put her down, she will be asleep within 10 mins. She has spent the last half hour being really grumpy as she is tired and I have to get us ready to go to our nct reunion, decided to dry my hair and the noise of the hair dryer has sent her to bobo land. White noise winner every time for us! Other than that I put her in her pram for a nap and wheel it back and forth which usually does the trick. Good luck!
We do swaddle him in his blanket but then he breaks his arms free and punches himself in the face which obviously doesn't help, I bought some swaddle pods but he is still to small for them after losing the weight from his op so they will have to wait lol.

Had about 3 hours sleep last night yay :) think I am running on sheer adrenaline at the moment.....
Oh dear a sleep fighter hehe. I have me one of those for sure I made the major booboo of putting him in his swing and he worked a treat not so great now tho as he's getting bigger tbh. My midwife had told me to swaddle and pop him in the Moses basket and let hin grumble. I personally couldn't do it. By grumble I mean moan not crying non stop he would do like a cry then stop then cry and then he would drop off, but I was soft. Should maybe have let hin self settle tho as he does this all the time now when in his swing befor dropping off lol. I do think you have to find something that works for you now tho.because I have a sleep fighter and its not getting any better at 5 months

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