
Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
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:evil: :evil: :evil:

OH just rung, he has just got home from work and picked up Oran from his dad & step mums and when he got their he said oran was crying his eyes out, really screaming and his dad & SM were trying to comfort him, turns out about 10 mins before he got their his SM went upstairs to the loo (they don't have stairgates) and his dad I presume was supposed to be watchig him but received a phone call (TBF it will have been important as his dad, OHs grandad died on MOnday so their trying to sort the funeral out) so oran followed she turned round at the top and saw coming up him and shouted at FIL and oran must have turned wondering who she was shouting at and fell down them :? :?

My poor baby, Ive just shouted at OH and he hung up on me, don't know why it wasnt his fault but he pissed me off. I said check for broken.fractured bones, move his wrists etc and he tells me not to be stupid, but then goes on ''oh he has a really high temp what if he doesnt wake up in the morning'' Idiot.

I hope he is ok, just text MIL to ask how many stairs and if he banged his head or anything (OH didnt ask :roll: )

Then he said ''oh and she only gave him his calpol at 5pm'' I mean FFS he is back on the calpol as his last molar has been playing up last few days and his temp is pretty high, so OH takes 1 syryinge to MIL and says only give it if needed and no later than 4PM so we can give him a dose before bed................Now he cant have any before bed FFS so that has pissed me off as well.

I think Im just upset now because I was at work gossiping away while my baby had his first major accident and his mummy wasnt their to help him, he will think I don't love him now.


He only fell down 3 but she said he bumped his head at the front but OH said no lump - do you think he will be ok. Told OH if he sent calpol can give nurofen before bed if his temp is badly high....he said ''cant rem if I sent calpol or nurofen'' so ive had a go saying a) you should not and do not need to send nurofen (I only like him to have this in emergancys or excessivly high temp) and b) you need to know what medicine your sending to give to him as if he were to go to hospital they would want to know and it wouldnt look good if you just bloody shrugged and said it was very important. So I told him to go to kitchen and look to see what bottle he used, just got a text saying ''dont know can't remember'' I mean FFS whats wrong with him, I mean he is really cut up about his grandad and not really taking it to well but he should be making sure he knows what bloody medicine he is passing out for Oran. Ill be getting his bag ready tomorrow morning I can tell you.
Aw poor Oran hon - no wonder you are stressed, it must be horrible not being able to give him a cuddle just now.

I'm sure he'll be fine, but it is a worry. I'm sure OH will check him over properly. Do you trust your Dad and SM to look after him again? They are slippery little b*ggers though aren't they.

He doesn't think you don't love him though, don't be silly, you're a great Mummy and going out to work to help support your family.

Valentine Xxx

P.S. Got your PM, will reply ASAP.
mine have all fallen dow n the satirs. Baby budge more than once :lol:
He'll live
***Just updated my first post***

valentine said:
Aw poor Oran hon - no wonder you are stressed, it must be horrible not being able to give him a cuddle just now.

Yes it is really hard not being able to cuddle him, I cant wait to get home - 45 mins and ill be there

valentine said:
I'm sure OH will check him over properly.

Well I would hope so but one min he said ''he is fine, just running round with a sweeping brush trying to sweep up'' then the next min ''what if he doesnt wake up in the morning, you better stay off work and take him to the DRs''

valentine said:
Do you trust your Dad and SM to look after him again? They are slippery little b*ggers though aren't they.
its OHs dad and SM but his dad isnt usually their just SM his dad is usually at work - she has had him since 9 months and never had a problem and I know accident happen, jesus he fell of the couch when I was watching him once so yeah I will trust them, I think ill just find a cheap 2nd hand stair gate of ebay though!!

valentine said:
He doesn't think you don't love him though, don't be silly, you're a great Mummy and going out to work to help support your family.

He must think ''why is my mummy not here to make me better'' I know why I get home he will play on it. Last night Oh said he had temp (teeth) but was playing happy, I got hom he climbed up and the couch snuggling me with puppy eyes, he is a player!!

valentine said:
P.S. Got your PM, will reply ASAP.

no worries hun xx
budge said:
mine have all fallen dow n the satirs. Baby budge more than once :lol:
He'll live

LOL yeah I know, I think im just more upset I wasnt there when he needed/wanted me!!
i sort of became familiar with the bump bump bump sound at one time :rotfl:

make sure you do let him climb up and down the stairs more than once a day though alone. Maybe you walking behind him,
Its really importnat to them to let them learn to climb stairs and get down safetly. Otherwise he never will learn. :hug:
budge said:
i sort of became familiar with the bump bump bump sound at one time :rotfl:


budge said:
make sure you do let him climb up and down the stairs more than once a day though alone. Maybe you walking behind him,
Its really importnat to them to let them learn to climb stairs and get down safetly. Otherwise he never will learn. :hug:

Yeah he can actually climb all the way up (we only got stair gates at ours last week) and every night for bed he goes up and I walk up behind him so its not a problem him getting up he does however have no idea about getting down and thinks its a good idea to free fall :doh: i.e he stand up, looks at me and just leans forward expecting me to catch him (weather im their or not). I think this time, it was the shock of her shouting though to FIL while he was concentraiting on climbing, he turned round to quick to see who she was shouting to and lost his footing - least he wasnt at the top!!

My daily mission is to teach him to climb down the stairs though now, thanks budge as I never really thought of ''teaching him'' so to speak!!
ive taught baby budge to bump herself down on her bottom or hold onto the rail to come down. Shes quite good now. :)
Im pretty sure if she does go up when one of the others have left the gate open which they do tooooooo much she can go up and down quite competently.
aww bless you what a scare, glad he is ok, these kids are harder than what we give them credit for thankfully. i bet it scared you all x :hug: he'll have worse i'm sure in times to come!! :hug:
he was ok when I got home although was burning up (teeth though) so kept him up a bit later so he could have another dose of medcine before bed to try and bring his temp down. He cried in the night quite a bit but everytime I went in he was asleep so he has either bruised something and it hurt when he moved in his sleep or his peggy was hurting! OH just rung saying he is burning up again so I told him to give him some more calpol and take another one to MILs but to make sure she onle gives it between 2 & 3 and if needed. I checked last night though and his last molar has broken the skin so hopefully the temp will subside from today onwards.........It cant be due to his fall can it?
Aw, sorry he had a tough night Jenny. I'll be his temp is due to his teeth though, but ask MIL to keep an extra special eye on him and call NHS 24 (or whatever you call it in England) if she has any concerns. A day of snuggling on the sofa watching DVDs is prescribed, me thinks!

Valentine Xxx
valentine said:
Aw, sorry he had a tough night Jenny. I'll be his temp is due to his teeth though, but ask MIL to keep an extra special eye on him and call NHS 24 (or whatever you call it in England) if she has any concerns. A day of snuggling on the sofa watching DVDs is prescribed, me thinks!

Valentine Xxx

Lol I wish I could spend the day snuggling watching DVDs on the sofa instead of being sat at work lol -
I doubt his crying and having a temp are from his fall. Chances are he did himself no lasting damage there.

FWIW I've seen a 3 year old run at speed into a wooden beam and split her forehead open and she was fine once we had a trip to A&E to glue it back together. She was supposed to keep quiet for the rest of the day but within 2 hours of getting home was back running around with her sister and brothers like it had never happened. The Doctors were not worried she had done any other damage and didn't run scans etc. She cried when it happened and for a while after, was moving well, was concious the whole time. Because of that the Docs had no concerns and were happy to glue her forehead and send us home. We were allowed to give her Calpol if she needed it. They said if she displayed signs of concussion then to bring her back in but Doc said children are hardy and bounce back from tumbles and knocks very well as a rule.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm so so glad to hear Oran is OK, I think everyone's rushing to him will have added to his reaction too, and I do hope your OH's family are over it too, must have been quite heart stopping :shock:
Really hope you and OH are OK now too, quite normal to fall out with OH when LO has an accident, I know I do it all the time with mine when it's not his fault at all :oops:
Isaac falls so often it's unreal, but he has learnt to get off the couch and bed backwards and slowly so I don't even worry about it now, but we're in a flat so don't have stairs, I think getting a stairgate for the inlaws is the best thing to do here, and I really hope you don't have to go through a scare like it again :hug: very best wishes :hug:

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