He Doesn't Like ANYTHING....


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
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OMG I really don't know what to do. Oscar's diet is a freakin nightmare.

Weaning him as been a mission and a half. He really wasn't capable of blw, which we wanted to do, so had to have smooth. He finally started to chew (after ALOT of issues) at 10 MONTHS :shock:

He is now fine at eating, no problems, but he just doesn't like anything.

He wants the same thing everyday, except even that he is getting bored of.

Whatever we eat, he wants, we give... and he almost voms because he doens't like it.

He will only eat jam sandwiches :wall2: He hates cheese, normal or cream, he hates turkey, chicken, ham, tuna. He hates potatoes too. He will eat toasted muffins... he will look like one soon!!

He hates what we eat, so he will only have bloody jars, but he only likes 3 of them.. .out of all them options he only likes 3 and he is now starting to refuse them (I assume from boredom and I can't blame him)

We had a roast dinner earlier so I gave him a plate of veg... looked at it in disgust and threw it all on the floor. I then held a bit of carrot for him... got upset... I got him to try a bit of potato again... he almost vomitted just from the taste didn't even bite it :shock:

WTF can I do?? He needs more nutrition than he's getting, but he will not eat anything.

The only good thing he likes is bananas, and he's fine with his breakfast too. Just dinner and tea go downhill!
Isla has a fairly limited diet too. She loves toasted teacakes, bananas, orange and cake. I can get a bit of other bits in to her but for ease I tend to just give in and give her stuff I know she will eat.

Does he like sweet potato? Isla loves to scoop that up as mash with her fingers. Fish fingers, veg fingers? It's hard when he's not long since learnt to chew.

If he's teething Isla goes straight off food. But I just go with the flow now as she knows best xx

Oh god hun im sorry i havent got much advice as m is fussy as hell too. Its absolutely awful! He will happily eat things he likes but now he shakes his head to say no even when we offer him the foods he likes! I get sooooo stressed at meal times, the mil is helping me out atm, she distracts him and i shove the spoon in his mouth lol...he will eat and chew ok then. I was the same as u with lunch and dinner being awful but now even breakfast is a nightmare, he spat weetabix all over me the other morning. Does your area offer cook and eat sessions for fussy kids!? They were helping us alot. Does he like ellas pouches!? I know this will prob get looked down on but sometimes out of desparation i give him an ellas pouch with baby pasta (as a sauce iykwim!) and he will happily eat it. Not ideal for a toddler of 15 months i know but im out of ideas. Took him half an hr to eat a hipp toddler meal today

I tend to hide food iykwim...mix homemade food with half a jar for example, and yesterday he had cheesy pasta mixed with a ypghurt as it was the only way he wud eat!M

Hope its just a phase for you...ive been like this since august!! Pm me if u like, i know exactly how u are feeling. :( hugs xoxox
Thanks guys, feel bit better to know I'm not the only one. It's so stressful. I feel like I'm letting him down, but what can I do? I can't force feed him, he already has food issues obviously and I don't want to make them worse.

I just wish he would get the basic food groups so I know he's getting protein, vitamins and nutrients, then I wouldn't mind so much! He won't eat fruit except bananas. Thought I had a breakthrough with pears, but the next day he threw them out of my hand and got upset lol Raspberries made him sick and grapes he won't even look at!! But he will eat the pureed fruit :wall2:And he loves all of it. It's bizarre really.

He used to love all the jars at stage 1, would eat anything. But when you actually offer him the real food he won't have it. He used to love spinach meals, offered him real spinach and he cried at the site of the meal lol Tried it, but then cried more!!

Amy, the only ella's pouches he likes are the stage 1! Stage 2s and 3s he doesn't like and I have tried the sauce because I assumed he wouldn't like that either, but might just give it a go!
Isla is chowing down to vegetable fingers and potato shapes :blush: I'm terrible with convienance food. I try and give her something different but she's so picky it's not worth the fight. When she's older I'll reintroduce food when she is easier to reason with.

Have u tried tinned fruit?

Hun have you mentioned this to the HV? Is it just tastes or does it have something to do with lumps too?

Is there a veg he will eat? Maybe carrot pureed what you can start adding things to a little at a time? If he likes pureed fruit try adding a little veg to it, not a lot just a little to slightly change the taste and slowly add more? Just a thought x
Isla is chowing down to vegetable fingers and potato shapes :blush: I'm terrible with convienance food. I try and give her something different but she's so picky it's not worth the fight. When she's older I'll reintroduce food when she is easier to reason with.

Have u tried tinned fruit?

He hated veg or fish fingers (weird child lol). He also hates potato of any variety! Whether it be mashed, roasted or chipped! We had chips couple weeks back and he kept trying to grab them so I let him have one to keep him happy lol, he licked it, wasn't impressed, but took a bit and then threw up half his tea! (he usually gags when he doesn't like something and subsequently vomits - very distressing for him!) In fact, writing that, I guess seeing as he actually does end up vomitting after gagging over something he doesn't like, it would make sense that he isn't willing to try much in case he vomits?!

Hmmmm, how do we deal with that? OMG child rearing is a mine field!

I tried him on tinned fruit... no go :wall2:
Hun have you mentioned this to the HV? Is it just tastes or does it have something to do with lumps too?

Is there a veg he will eat? Maybe carrot pureed what you can start adding things to a little at a time? If he likes pureed fruit try adding a little veg to it, not a lot just a little to slightly change the taste and slowly add more? Just a thought x

Yeah I spoke to a few HVs, but not for a few months. Back when he would only have smooth (he couldn't have lumps til he was 10 months, I tried but he wasn't ready and used to get food stuck in his throat, gag and vomit alolt). They were no help at all, told me I HAD to give him lumpy food. I think alot of his issues come from me tbh, trying to feed him food he wasn't ready for because I felt I had to. In the end I used to blend the lumpy food until I saw him chewing smooth food at 10 months.

But it's weird because the blended version he loved, give it to him lumpy, even though he can now chew, he won't eat it!

I have thought about blending up veg, but I feel like that is a massive step backwards to be going back to smooth food at 1 years old!?
HV's are not always great are they! Being told you have to give them something an watch them gag stresses you out and is of no help what so ever!

I know blending food will seem like a step back for you....I am sorry I just thought it might be a way of introducing different tastes but it sounds like the prob is the lumps in the food....as you commented that what he loved he hated as soon as it got lumpy....

Have you maybe tried the Doctor? They could possibly put you in contact with a dietitian to help you make sure he is getting all the nutrients he needs at least then you could relax about food and maybe Oscar will relax too?

Odd Question but how is his speech hun everything fine there?

Please don't worry yourself xx
I have thought about a referral, but still mulling it over I guess.

I think I might take him to the HVs this week and see if they know of any cook groups or something in our area.

Stressssssss lol

Thanks for your advice girls, it is defo appreciated xxxxx
I've not really got all that much advice my eldest seemed to do ok with the ole weaning but i heard (a few times) ppl say that if you only offer them healthy food (whatever that may be) he will eat it as he will be hungry. I know it might not be nice knowing LO is eating something he "doesn't want" but its so so easy to start bad eating habits at this stage, you really do have to be cruel to be kind (it will be ALOT worse to change these habits the older LO gets) If it was me personally I wouldn't offer any food that wouldn't be classed as healthy for example jam sandwiches & muffins!! If It was me I know what i'd rather pick - jam sandwiches or some veg lool

Hope it all works out for you. I know how hard it is.

:hugs: please do keep persevering with things he rejects x it's difficult to see him reject food but keep trying x perhaps offer something new every time you offer him something he likes? That way it's not such a shock? x x
Today he has eaten a third of his spag bol!!! Then he had a whole fruit pouch.

I got back late from shopping so didn't have time to get it ready but I've bought some natural yoghurt (which he does actually like!) and I'm going to blend blueberries or blackberries into it so at least he's getting some proper fruit that way. i've also bought some sauces and will try him on proper pasta and am gonna try him on soups seeing as he like smooth foods!
Brilliant that he has eaten more today hun.

How you feeling about it all? You ok? X

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Today he has eaten a third of his spag bol!!! Then he had a whole fruit pouch.

I got back late from shopping so didn't have time to get it ready but I've bought some natural yoghurt (which he does actually like!) and I'm going to blend blueberries or blackberries into it so at least he's getting some proper fruit that way. i've also bought some sauces and will try him on proper pasta and am gonna try him on soups seeing as he like smooth foods!

That actually sounds really yummy.

I'm wanting that more than the tons of chocolate I have in my house now!!

I'm going to pop back tomorrow and comment properly.

AJ really hasn't enjoyed eating ever. He's now 3, he's doing well and trying new foods every now and again. Just wanted to add myself to the 'your not alone club'

Glad Oscar enjoyed his tea :) x
Brilliant that he has eaten more today hun.

How you feeling about it all? You ok? X

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Am not too bad thanks hun. ATM I don't really want to pressure him too much because he clearly has food issues and i don't want to make them worse and I won't let him go hungry either!

Just will take each day as it comes and keep trying him with things xxxx
I'm going to pop back tomorrow and comment properly.

AJ really hasn't enjoyed eating ever. He's now 3, he's doing well and trying new foods every now and again. Just wanted to add myself to the 'your not alone club'

Glad Oscar enjoyed his tea :) x

Thank you for your comment. Look forward to hearing your experience also xxx
I hope today was a good day.

I've had a fair few rants on here about AJ's eating.

I agree with just going with the flow and letting them eat what they want. I dont agree with giving them food they dont like and the 'they will eat if they're hungry' way.

AJ has a smoothie a day as he loves them and I know he's getting some goodness. AJ too will only eat Jam sandwiches, I'm actually pleased about this as its a development for us. His sandwiches before this were dry bread! To get him to try jam we had to put jam out on a spoon for him to taste, it took weeks. Finally his first jam sandwich he spread the jam and ate it :D

All I can say is keep going, keep trying he'll eat. It might not be loads but it'll be enough for him.

I saw a documentary once called 'my child wont eat' it showed a toddler who would only eat yogurt. The Dr's advice was to give him yogurt, when he's less stressed out about mealtimes then he would start eating other foods. And he did. Quite an interesting program to watch.

Sorry for rambling x
Thank you so much for comment, found it really reassuring tbh. I'm going to look for that program online too.

He's starting nursery in a couple of weeks too so I'm hoping that that will help with some of the issues too.

I'm so not going to push him into anything though, I really would rather he eat something rather than nothing!

Thank you again xxx

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