He Doesn't Like ANYTHING....

Hiya hun, just wanted to add to this thread that Lou is an absolute star with food when we are at home and relaxed, but when I find myself in a situation where I am stressed/rushed/worried about what people are thinking when we are out, she won't eat at all. Even when I think I am doing a good job of pretending to be calm, she picks up on it and won't touch her food.
She was the same with breastfeeding - we were fine at home but as soon as I tried to breastfeed out and was nervous, she wouldn't latch on and kept crying!

I have pretty much stopped going out at lunchtime now because I know both Lizzie and I have to be relaxed and calm for her to eat and we can only do it at home.

I'm just letting you know in case Oz is picking up on your worries and it's making things harder?
When I was out with my Mum the other day I tried to give Lou lunch and she was having none of it, so my Mum tried and she ate EVERYTHING. I was actually a bit sad that she wouldn't eat what I was offering :(

Does he ever get fed by anyone else other than you and OH? Is there any difference?
Might not help, but just an idea :)
Thanks Becky.

Yesterday he was with his nanna for lunch and he ate everything lol Today I offered him a jar he hadn't had before and just thought if he eats it he does, if not then he doesn't (would make up for it at tea time with something he does like) and he ate almost all of it!

I know it's not all sorted now, but defo being relaxed about it makes a difference. Hopefully I can be more concsious of it now!
Aww sounds like things might be improving then!
I also find Lizzie eats more if I leave her to it - so I put her finger foods on her tray then go into the kitchen lol! Not that I really like leaving her while she eats, but I'm within earshot :)

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