Hcg rise, not enough??


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2012
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My hcg levels were 3278 on Wednesday and now 5 days later they've only risen to 8750. That's not enough is it? For a difference of 5 days it should be much higher, surely? It's over isn't it? :(
What did they say at the hospital/docs? It's not doubled but I would say it's still a good figure and increase x
Sorry I don't know much about it Hun but you seem to fall within the levels on the chart on this website.
It has some good info too...most importantly try not to get too worked up as it will stress you out!
I think I've missed why they were doing your hcg bloods? Have they offered a scan too? I am 6 weeks today but lacking in symptoms compared to my last pregnancy...trying to keep calm as what will be will be , but I can totally understand why you're anxious.xxx
I just asked to be booked in with the nurse for a blood test to check that my hcg levels were rising because when I was pregnant with Beth and was telling the midwife how worried I'd been she said next time I get pregnant to just book in with the nurse at the doctors and have the levels checked, so that's what I did.

The receptionist said the doctor hadn't looked at the results yet because they'd only just come back, so she was reluctant to give them to me but did anyway because I asked.

The calculator I used said that after the first 4 weeks it takes longer for them to double and that it's taken 3.5 days for my levels to double, which is within the norms for 6-7 weeks, and I'm 6+3 today.

I just saw it and panicked because all I've ever read had said they should double every 48hrs.
Ah I see, didn't realise you could do that. Ah bless you, it should have made you a bit more more confident but it's had the opposite effect. :-( With my limited knowledge it sounds like your numbers are ok, good even :) Hopefully the doctor will see you and give you a better idea this week. Xx
I sadly miscarried our first last year at 6+4 and my levels barely went above 500. The nurse told me that they don't "double" but a good rise is what they are after. Hope this helps?
My dh said that everytime something comes along that should reassure me and make me feel better I turn it into a negative and make myself worse. I can't help it. I always feel like I need to prepare for the worst and then I won't be too upset if it all turns to shit. I think my first pregnancy ending in mmc has ruined me for life!

All around me people are telling me all the signs are good. And in a way I can feel it. Since my bfp I've had this underlying feeling that everything is fine and that won't go away, no matter what happens, so I hope my instincts are working and it all really is going to be okay.

Thanks, everyone!! <3
Ah Juice I really feel for you. I too have a niggly feeling with this pregnancy that I may never meet this little person, can't explain it but until I know otherwise I am going to stay positive, search for double prams online no dream of DD becoming a big sister! Xx
To me that seems like a good rise in numbers! Try to remain positive and wait to see what doctors say x
I would be really happy with the rise hun, nice big jump there. I know what you mean about mmc ruining things though as I had one with first pregnancy too and it did take shine off of both my other pregnancies as the first tri was really worrying. Only another 6 or 7 weeks and you will be going for your scan though, keep faith all will be fine hun :) xx
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