hcg levels not rising


New Member
Jul 25, 2014
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I'm 5+ weeks pregnant and was sent to hospital for a scan last monday as I was having pains and my doc suspected an ectopic. In my scan they saw an early gestational sac but no sign of an embryo yet so I was sent for blood tests. I've had 3 now, each 2 days apart and the levels were 3701, 3524, 3557. I've been told this suggests a possible ectopic but I've not had any pain since Monday. I've got to go for another blood test on Monday, and then am booked for another scan the following week (all being well). Has anyone out there had anything similar? I know the signs aren't good, but is it possible with these levels to go on and have a successful pregnancy?
No idea hun, when I was 5/6 weeks my levels were over 5000 but I dont know if theres a standard or if it varies from person/preg. Good that they saw a sac in the right place though? Id have thought thatd rule out eptopic if they saw the sacs position. Sorry I cant help but goof luck for monday, fx for you xx
Thanks. I think the level itself it's ok, it's just the fact it isn't really rising that is the worry. Apparently even if the sac is in the womb the embryo could still have implanted elsewhere. Will have to just wait and see what Monday brings. Hopefully all a worry about nothing and I've just got a baby that's good at hiding! X

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