having the strenth

:hug: :hug: I know how u feel too hun.. mines still going on.. even tonight lol! Ive given up caring if he comes home or not now. Just hurts like hell he doesnt wanna spend time with Jaycee. I love her so much and the fact he can put drinking with his mates before her is sickening.
I hope your okay kirsty hun xxx
Hi girls.

well me and kris go through stages we have not fell out since i posted this. but i no when we do it will go back to the old ways. we seem to have about 3 months real happy then a month of non stop rowing :roll:
i have realised the orrt to all our probs and its me and my controlling :evil: im sooo jelous. but i have seen my doc and am now seeing some one and its helped so much :)
Glad your doing better hun :hug: Mine's at least 4 days a week now :roll: he went 6 months without drinking then found out i was pg so he decided to 'celebrate' and got the taste for it again :roll: typical. Been a crappy few months so far and i know xmas wont be good this year, like last year! And all the other years he's been drinking! :( Ill tell u one thing tho, he is NOT ruining my 21st!!! :x
Glad ur ok hun, hope the help works for u guys. He needs to talk to someone too hun its not 100% ur fault :hug:
dionne said:
Hi girls.

i have realised the orrt to all our probs and its me and my controlling :evil: im sooo jelous. but i have seen my doc and am now seeing some one and its helped so much :)

Glad you are seeing someone about this.

R u on the pill .... silly question but, as soon as my body gets the slightest bit of hormones in it, pmt, pregnancy, pill I am a pyico bitch!

I stopped taking the pill again yesterday becuase i could feel myself getting crazy, richie only had to disagree with me and i would cry hystrical, push him, punch him etc etc.

Well yesterday i was standin in the chip shop and they was taking AGES, this womens husband was waiting in the car, when she got to the car he started sreaming at her and pointing at the clock on his dashboard.... and all i could think is richie would NEVER talk to me like that. It made me realise my own relationship is sooo not that bad. And since then i have bit my tongue over stupid things i normal shout over.

I soooo hope you can sort things with kris cos it sounds like when u are good u are really good!! :) are u sure you dont have a curly in the middle of your forehead hehe xxxxx
i changed my pill keely. i was on one thatmade me a mega beast i told the doc and she gave me a certain one thats helps wih moodynes it is fab i feel much better on it
aww dionne i missed this post. Hope all is well with you and kriss.
Im glad you're getting to the root of things and sorting them out. So many people just come to the first problem and give up and go their separate ways. :hug:
I missed the post too!!

I always miss the posts when people really need the advice.

Im glad you got things sorted Dionne and that your gettin on well with the person you are seeing about your issues :D

I think your doing really well :hug:

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