Having really bad day!


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2012
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Hi Guys.

I'm just having the worst day.

We are TTC again this month and I really don't think it caught. Then all of a sudden I realised that it was 12 weeks today that we had our scan and then I start thinking there is only a few weeks until our original due date. I haven't been able to compose myself since.

Is this normal or am I just stupid and should "get over it" like so many people have said in the past few months?
Sorry your having a bad day hun, i think these people who are telling you to just "get over it" have never suffered a miscarriage themselves. It's not something you just get over and forget about, it's always there with you. It's been 15 years since i had a miscarriage and i still to this day think about it and wonder what may have been.

It's very normal to be feeling the way you are right now x
oh hun this is normal and no you should NOT just ''get over it''

i counted every week after my mc until the date the baby was due to be born, it was only then i could let go!

feel what you need to feel love, you are grieving x
Those "get over it" people just dont have a clue. What you're experiencing is absolutely normal (if heartbreaking) and based on experience, trying to avoid the grieving process and just carry on can actually leave you feeling worse further down the line.

Big hugs! :hug:
It all sounds pretty normal feelings to me , I think that the due date is quite significant when u have suffered mc. I know Im waiting for it to roll round before I think I can move on, up until then u sort of dread it cos u dont know how u will feel xxx sending hugs to you xxx
I had to get my son drop my youngest to pre school today I just couldn't face anyone. I went back home after watching them from the car park and had a long shower. I also made sure I had a really good cry and by lunch time I was laughing again.

I have so many emotions going through me right now. I have the sadness of the 2 MCs and the presure of this need to be preg again before june. We didn't much time since this is our first month ttc. Oh well.
I hope your feeling better now Liz. Lots of hugs are sent to you xx
Hope u feeling better, I think maybe we have to accept there will be good and bad days, hold onto those thoughts sweety, and enjoy ur little ones xx
Oh well. This first month TTC did not work and I'm crushed. I just wish my husband was not away right now I could use one of his cuddles right now.
:hug: it's so tough hun, hope oh gets home soon and next cycle is your one! Xxx
I just had one of closest friends ask if I wanted to go and see "What to Expect When Expecting". I completely lost it! My text back was " Um... Not I will not be seeing THAT movie and especially not next week." I sent it before I thought about it. OOPS!!!! I'm also mad because she is a trained counsellor.

For some strange reason I thought everyone would know that was our due week. I'm really hoping I can move on easier next week once I reach that mark. I get hot sweats and get so mad it's just not like me.
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People just don't think sometimes... I too don't want to have anything from that movie thrust in my face (odd that!)

Really wish you the best for your due date, and hope your oh will be giving you lots of hugs and cuddles. Hopefully once it's past your grief will have more closure, i really hope you feel better soon inside xxx
Aw hun :hug: its tough that other people don't remember int he same way we do, especial our due dates when we miscarried months before. I'm sure she didn't mean any harm but no wonder it stirred you up :hug:
The text back was worse.

"Yeah thought it would be a touchy subject I just wanted to go with someone and nobody else is free during the day."
So she asked knowing full well that it would upset me. What kind of person does that?????

The text came after I wrote my last post on here so I'm now glad I didn't sugar coat my feelings cause I hope she is feeling really bad about it.
Omfg what sort of mate does that :-/ jeez who needs enemies hey,I'm finding it hard atm but yesterday it was sposed to be my 13 week scan and it popped up on my fone and I broke down but I also decided yesterday that I need to stop this week counting and draw a line and start again so yesterday I started asprin and high dose folic acid I got from docs and also was first time we dtd since I got my bfp :) so now I'm officialy ttc :) I hope ur feeling ok and if ya need someone to talk to just give me a pm :) xxx
That text has selfish written all over it. No apology and she even knew it might upset you!

Hope you have some genuine friends around this week who can give you the support you need xxx
omg how selfish and self centred can you get, what a cow!

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