Having pains again


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2008
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I seem to always be having them lol

I cant sleep as there very painfull and if i lie down they hurt more.

They hurt more on my left side than my right but i have had no show or waters.

What do you think?

Oh im also getting an acheing back

ive been like that since last tuesday went to hospital on wednesday night and nothing was happening and was told it could be very very early start of labour or just very painful braxton hicks plus i have an irritable utrus and other problems but i know what you mean when you cant sleep plus by not getting any sleep is become ten times worse i guess we just cant win till our babys make their appearance lol

oh and im with on the back ache the only way and can describe mine is like a throbbing toothache
It seems to have subsided a little now but is still like a dull acheing pain. Grrr babies eh, remind me why we get pregnant? lol

Only kidding, although it hurts and i cant sleep i wouldnt change it for the world.

As i am writing this i have just had the worst pain yet lol typical, that must be judgement on me :lol:
Just monitor it and see how you get on... if its persistant I wold def inform your middy in the morning

Steelgoddess said:
Just monitor it and see how you get on... if its persistant I wold def inform your middy in the morning

^^ Ditto what the Sharnemeister said... Hope it eases for you!! xx
I seem to always be having them lol

I cant sleep as there very painfull and if i lie down they hurt more.

They hurt more on my left side than my right but i have had no show or waters.

What do you think?

Oh im also getting an acheing back

ive been like that since last tuesday went to hospital on wednesday night and nothing was happening and was told it could be very very early start of labour or just very painful braxton hicks plus i have an irritable utrus and other problems but i know what you mean when you cant sleep plus by not getting any sleep is become ten times worse i guess we just cant win till our babys make their appearance lol

oh and im with on the back ache the only way and can describe mine is like a throbbing toothache
It seems to have subsided a little now but is still like a dull acheing pain. Grrr babies eh, remind me why we get pregnant? lol

Only kidding, although it hurts and i cant sleep i wouldnt change it for the world.

As i am writing this i have just had the worst pain yet lol typical, that must be judgement on me :lol:
Just monitor it and see how you get on... if its persistant I wold def inform your middy in the morning

Steelgoddess said:
Just monitor it and see how you get on... if its persistant I wold def inform your middy in the morning

^^ Ditto what the Sharnemeister said... Hope it eases for you!! xx
Well i managed get sleep about half 5 this morning as they were still comeing and going, not reg though. Woke at 7 with OH and waited up till he went work and was having pains then and im still getting them now but not strong.

Do you think i should ring my middy?

I had a loooooong moan at my Mw today about pains etc and was basically told, albeit very nicely, unless they get regular and strong or I Bleed get on with it and use hot water bottles/paracetamol. I feel at the end of my teather with being so uncomfy (I think you responded to my post about it) we need comfyness now!!!
Well rang her and she said that its proberbly just my uterus growing lol

Said as long as Archie is still moving and im not bleeding etc then dont panick lol

aramintalovegrove thats what i got told.

So after i rang i went bed lol just woke uo :sleep:

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