Having a paranoid day :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2011
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Having 1 of those days where I just get nervous about the birth and think something will be wrong with my baby when he's born :( is this normal? I have days like this every so often then wake up in the morning and wonder what I was worried about xxxx
perfectly normal hun!

im the same, and ive read in countless books, and my mum and friends have all said they got really anxious. (my mum also added that the worry never stops, just changes as years go on!!)

maybe speak to your midwife about these worries? im sure she has reassured many mums to be before, its only natural to want your baby to be ok, and as you cant see him yet, it makes it more worrying.
just try and relax and enjoy the last weeks :)
Thank u! It's reassuring to know other people have these worries too, will deffo talk to midwife for reassurance. Thank u for replying and putting my mind at rest :) xxxx
Hey hun, I have been really bad too. I am hardly sleeping for worrying. I was never this bad with my son but I'm really struggling this time! I spoke to ky midwife the Other day and I think it took her by surprise and she didn't have many words of comfort unfortunately. There's a few different midwives at the local clinic so I may book in with another 1 just to discuss. I hope you are ok hun, I know exactly how you're feeling and wish I could say something that will make it less stressful but I really don't know what I could say other than I think it's normal xxx
I have been and still am exactly like that. Very scared things will go wrong just want my baby boy safe in my arms xxx
I know how it feels to be anxious im really bad and im only 13wks
I suffer very badly with psnic attacks and my fear is i wont survive child birth, it really is awful. So i know how u feel xx
Thanks girls :( I just want him out safely so I can look after him!! I hate how he's inside me and I can't make sure he's alright if u know what I mean! I'm sure i'll find something else to worry about once he's born too lol, ahhh the joys of being a mother! Just glad I'm normal, was getting a bit worried l
I spent my entire pregnancy convinced I.was not going to have a baby at the end if it, and my beautiful girl.is.here safe and sound, now I worry even more! Constantly poke and.prof her while she sleeps lol, don't think ill ever be worry free again! Lmao xxxx.
I keep feeling the same I'm so scared that I've gone through all this and that there will be something wrong when she finally arrives. It's a horrible feeling!
Just got to keep looking back and remember the amazing journey we have been/are on and that our babies will soon be safe and sound in our arms as they are safe and sound now in our bellies ;) xx

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