Having a nesting day & keep crying!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2010
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I am sorting out all the clothes that Joseph had as a baby from the loft. I am washing all the neutral clothing so we can use them for baby number 2. We are team yellow & for some reason every time I get to an outfit I loved Joseph in & think if we have a girl we'll have to give them to charity or eBay them, I keep bursting into tears! How sad am I? I do feel I'm carrying a girl this time though, so maybe it is the fact I'm realising my baby boy is no longer a baby. It's sooooooo sad :(

Sunnyb xxx
Awww I'm the same I'm gutted in one respect that my 3 year old won't be my baby anymore and since washing the baby's clothes I keep having a little cry.

Blooming hormones!
Awww I think I'd be the same! I've had a cry today too. It's good to cry girls :)

it is at least we all have excuses lol its our hormones i cried today watch my sing and dancing along to tangled lol or to any song i think it coz im pleased out have far she has come over the last year and a bit and her personality and character is growing and also how well be haved shes been the last few weeks touch wood she stays like this :)
To add to it I think I'm now starting with an ear infection! Ears ringing, neck & body aching & just feel drained. What a blooming day. On the up side got all the neutral newborn & 0-3 months clothing sorted through & muslin clothes, bedding, & soft toys. Now it's a case of waiting to see if we keep the boys clothing or have to buy girly stuff. Going to have a couple of Paracetamol & early night, but have a strange feeling I'll end up at the walk in medical centre tomorrow. I seriously need a specialist referral cos this is the 5th ear infection in about a year - grrrrrrrrr!

Sunnyb xxx

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