Having a mare with blood pressure


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2014
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I posted before due to low pressure - last week I was feeling a bit dizzy etc and it was reading around 100/50 - it was very hot here so I put it down to dehydration and made extra effort to drink plenty / eat regularly.
This morning woke up feeling a bit nauseous and groggy - took my b/p and it was 148/78 :shock:
The top number is a high b/p reading anyway but particularly high for me. I sat down had some water / breakfast and took it again it had dropped slightly but still higher than anything previously recorded.
I'm feeling a bit better (not nauseous anymore) but I've text midwife and told work I won't be in until I've heard back from her (I think she probably starts at 9am)
have I done the right thing?? ... Hate being dramatic!! Probably get told off for checking own b/p at home and 'self diagnosing'
You have definitely done the right thing hun, you can never be too careful when you are pregnant. At least if you see midwife she can rule out certain conditions that cause high BP (e.g. pre-eclampsia etc) or just arrange for you to get it tested regularly for a set amount of time to see if it was a fluke etc xx
Always the right thing to get your bp checked out. Speaking as someone whose pre-eclampsia wasn't diagnosed until 36 weeks and had been going on since around 28, according to consultant.

I'm sure everything is fine, but it's always best to have these things checked out rather than sit at home worrying yourself silly xx
Def get BP checked, last pg my BP went from 90/60 to 140/80 at one point. I was then checked every day by my granny (nurse) as I also had severely swollen ankles. I didn't have pre-eclampsia thankfully, but I felt much better with being checked every day.

Thanks ladies. My midwife didn't seem concerned enough to see me. I checked again at home and it's def going back down to normal levels. I waited until it was 118/67 then left for work. Hopefully just a random fluctuation but I am glad we happen to have a b/p cuff at home! I'll keep a close check and if I have any more high readings / symptoms I'll definitely insist on being checked properly.
Hi Summer, last time I had mine checked it was 140/70 or something and my mw said it was perfect. It's been lower but never higher. I don't know what is normal though so I just take her word for it.
Are you using an electric one Summer? I ask because we found the electric ones (we used 2) were giving out higher readings than the hand ones. It's still better to get checked if a reading is higher than normal but it was just something I noticed.

I believe around 120/80 is considered 'normal' Lolie - however everyone differs naturally so some naturally lower, some naturally higher , perhaps your m/w could see from your notes that slightly higher was normal for you?
I'm naturally lower - usually around 110/60, though even lower since mid tri 2 - around 100/50 so it was the sudden dramatic increase to 148/78 that made me worry.

Yea it was an electric one, though I've used it plenty of times before and readings have always been fairly consistent. Hubby did his straight after and it was about 118/60.
Not sure why my reading was so high this morning! It gradually went back down over about an hour / hour and a half - I felt much better and went to work. I'll just keep an eye on it to check it doesn't randomly shoot up again.

Thank you for all your replies xxx

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