having a down few days :-(


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2010
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is it me or does everybody elses babies seem perfect and never cry? when i speak 2 other mums they always seem 2 say say things like
"my baby is such a happy baby"
"o my baby slept through at 6 weeks"
"my baby only cried when it wants something"
well i'll admit it finley crys loads alls he wants 2 do is be picked up all the time, i cant get anything done around the house.he's started 2 wake twice in the night again.
i cant help but feel like i'm doing something wrong sometimes. i love him 2 bits and i wouldnt have it any other way. but this last week or so i just feel so rubbishy about things.
finley's an absolute nightmare 2 get asleep during the day he just crys and crys because he's so tired and just fights it. unless i take him out in the car. he has no longer than the odd 10/15 mins then wakes up crying.
the lack of sleep is bloody killing me lately. AARRRGGGHH!!!! GOD! i sound bloody suicidal lol!
I do love being his mummy tho and his bloody love his smiles :)

on the good side of things told OH i was feeling fed up 2day and he came home with flowers n chocs :love:

somebody please tell me everybody elses babies arnt perfect lol

sorry 4 the rant i just needed let it out n have a cry x
Hey hon, mums don't always admit the tough stuff but u r sooooo not alone. Harrison was the same - always wanted to be held, wouldn't go to sleep without me and had days where he cluster fed for hours on end. I was a wreck at times over it. My close friends have told me they had times like that too so please don't feel that it's just Fin. Babies go through phases and some of them are bloody hard work. Ur doing great - remember that!!! Being a mummy is amazing but is the hardest job in the world and ur doing it day in day out so that makes you brilliant!!!! Lots of love x x x
Awww Mel! Emily is not perfect either if it helps?. She sleeps through the night but can be a nightmare during the day! Today has been awful as she has excema and it got soooo bad her legs were bleeding! She litterally has not stopped crying all day which has killed me.

Are you tough with Finn? Like, if you put him down and leave him? If i KNOW Emily is tired I will put her down and she will SCREAM the place down but eventually she goes to sleep. I wont let her cry for longer than 15 mins though.

As for the sleeping, routine is the best I reckon. When he wakes up in the night do you get straight up to him? Before Emily slept through when she woke during the night we left her for a bit and she put herself back to sleep. Is he waking for a feed all the time? if you dont think he needs a feed I would leave him. He needs to know its bedtime. have you got a music thing for him or anything? When Em woke up we would tiptoe in to her room and put that on and she knew it was time to sleep.

Thats just things that worked for me hun. Hope it helped? x
You know those mums who say that their LOs are really good and only cry swhen they want something....half of them are big fat fibbers. Either that or they have all that joy to come at a later date.

Your LO is simply quick off the mark and knows early on how to get what he wants.

Take no notice of anyone else, you are doing a grand job, your LO is fine and healthy, and the housework will just have to wait.

Go easy on yourself ;-) xx
the mums who have the perfect lives? they bullshit :lol: i remember going to the hairdressers when K was a baby and someone asked me how she was and i was like, i'm knackered, she cries all the time and i cant hack the early starts and breastfeeding is really taking it out of me (she was feeding very hour for an hour :shock:) and she was like, bloody hell, its so nice to hear someone say it how it really is! everyone just wants to make out like everthings perfect, but it rarely is chick! it does get better tho :hug:xxx
thank u all so much!!! made me feel better.
i feel like alls i do is bloody slag my own baby off 2 OH. he'll come home from work and ask how my days gone and i'll say. "a nightmare!!! finley has slept all day alls he's done is cry,cry cry"

so glad its not just me. love him ssssoooo much but god its hard work at times. think i better get an early night and hope that i'll feel better in the morning
I had a 'perfect baby'. Lucas only cried when he was hungry, dirty or in pain. I could do anything in the house, all my chores and he was as good as gold. Do you not see the use of the word WAS! Now he is a nightmare and has a allergy to sleep, he is now a nightmare!! Jacob was a nightmare baby but is now a perfect child. Swings and roundabouts I say hunny. Your doing nothing wrong, kids are all just different and go through awkward stages at different times. Were always here if you need a listening ear or a rant :hug: xx
Awww Mel! Emily is not perfect either if it helps?. She sleeps through the night but can be a nightmare during the day! Today has been awful as she has excema and it got soooo bad her legs were bleeding! She litterally has not stopped crying all day which has killed me.

Are you tough with Finn? Like, if you put him down and leave him? If i KNOW Emily is tired I will put her down and she will SCREAM the place down but eventually she goes to sleep. I wont let her cry for longer than 15 mins though.

As for the sleeping, routine is the best I reckon. When he wakes up in the night do you get straight up to him? Before Emily slept through when she woke during the night we left her for a bit and she put herself back to sleep. Is he waking for a feed all the time? if you dont think he needs a feed I would leave him. He needs to know its bedtime. have you got a music thing for him or anything? When Em woke up we would tiptoe in to her room and put that on and she knew it was time to sleep.

Thats just things that worked for me hun. Hope it helped? x

ar poor emily!u must feel so helpless erin. its awful when they just wont staop crying isnt it. finley has loads of days like that and my heads ready 2 explode by the end of it.

thanks for the tips. i always assume he wants feeding and woke with hunger ive never really gave it a thought that maybe he wasnt really. i think if he wakes twice 2nite i'll give it a go.
i started him on hungry baby milk yesterday with him starting 2 wake twice. so hopefully that will help

o and yeh he's got a brill routine at night time
bath 6.30/7pm
bottle at 7.30pm
bed at 8pm
must admit he is brill at going 2 bed at night and is now in his own room 2 :)
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Paige spent from 4 o'clock until 8 o'clock screaming at me the other night....for no reason! I tried to get her to sleep, to feed her, to wind her, walking her around...everything I could think of. NOTHING worked. Eventually she took 1oz and fell fast asleep and I truly believe it was purely because she was knackered from the screaming.

Every baby has rough days, and not one single baby is perfect. Ive seen the pictures of finley and I can see you're doing an ace job. Hes just a mummys boy and wants lots of lovely hugs of his mummy all the time. :hug:
Mel, you could be describing Cahal!! You're def not alone, it's just some mums won't admit that there is no such thing as the perfect baby x
I had a 'perfect baby'. Lucas only cried when he was hungry, dirty or in pain. I could do anything in the house, all my chores and he was as good as gold. Do you not see the use of the word WAS! Now he is a nightmare and has a allergy to sleep, he is now a nightmare!! Jacob was a nightmare baby but is now a perfect child. Swings and roundabouts I say hunny. Your doing nothing wrong, kids are all just different and go through awkward stages at different times. Were always here if you need a listening ear or a rant :hug: xx

Sounds just like us...Toby was 'perfect' too - slept well, always smiling...now I feel like I could fall asleep standing up and I haven't had a good night's sleep in what feels like years :lol:

Also agree that the people who have these 'perfect' kids are only telling you the good stuff - everyone finds it hard but not everyone is prepared to admit it! :hug: x
thanks aginn everyone. never really off loaded on here b4 but it really helps 2 took 2 ppl who know what ur going through.

erin- i used ur tip last night. finley woke twice again. at 12 o clock i just left him and he fell back asleep. he then woke again at 2 tried 2 leave him but he really started crying so i knew he needed feeding.
gonnan do tye same 2nite. thank you x
thanks aginn everyone. never really off loaded on here b4 but it really helps 2 took 2 ppl who know what ur going through.

erin- i used ur tip last night. finley woke twice again. at 12 o clock i just left him and he fell back asleep. he then woke again at 2 tried 2 leave him but he really started crying so i knew he needed feeding.
gonnan do tye same 2nite. thank you x

Fab, he will get used to being left therefore will learn its night time. God, I sould like a really harsh mummy dont I? x
I used to leave Jacob - he rarely naps in the day last time he actually had a nap was the 11th lol. But he sleeps all night 8 until 9 x
I know i say i have a good baby when people ask and in a way i do because she has such a tight routine nothing ever really changes. Sometimes she misses out her 7pm nap and is so grumpy. And sometimes she wakes up really grumpy in a morning. My mum comes home from work and sometimes i just cry because i'm so thankful someone else can hold her for an hour. I love her so much and usually if i just stand up with her she stops crying and starts laughing (i have no idea why). Your not alone at all! xx
thanks aginn everyone. never really off loaded on here b4 but it really helps 2 took 2 ppl who know what ur going through.

erin- i used ur tip last night. finley woke twice again. at 12 o clock i just left him and he fell back asleep. he then woke again at 2 tried 2 leave him but he really started crying so i knew he needed feeding.
gonnan do tye same 2nite. thank you x

Fab, he will get used to being left therefore will learn its night time. God, I sould like a really harsh mummy dont I? x

no ur not harsh its just learning her i supppose. i think bbaies love routine, they learn to know whats coming next. last night he woke at 12pm then didnt wake again :) i think i'm getting there
thanks x
thanks aginn everyone. never really off loaded on here b4 but it really helps 2 took 2 ppl who know what ur going through.

erin- i used ur tip last night. finley woke twice again. at 12 o clock i just left him and he fell back asleep. he then woke again at 2 tried 2 leave him but he really started crying so i knew he needed feeding.
gonnan do tye same 2nite. thank you x

Fab, he will get used to being left therefore will learn its night time. God, I sould like a really harsh mummy dont I? x

no ur not harsh its just learning her i supppose. i think bbaies love routine, they learn to know whats coming next. last night he woke at 12pm then didnt wake again :) i think i'm getting there
thanks x


Once he starts sleeping a bit longer at night (and you), anything else he throws at you will be easier.

All babies cry when they want something, trouble is sometimes they don't know what they want so how on earth are we supposed to guess!!! Ross is great on the whole but he's still hard work. I complain about things then my OH asks how long he napped (usually a couple of hours at a time) and it makes me feel so stupid that I've had all that time and not managed to do anything else. I've spent this morning being covered in puke, the sofa is covered in puke, he was covered in puke, they dog ate the puke :puke: Then Ross spent some time screaming as I didn't have a bottle ready and cooled enough for him, and he's lost all patience he once had. And the house looks like a bomb has hit it. But that's ok...isn't it?!
yup agree those mum'sare lying, but only kidding themselves!

Watch out for colic , esp early evenings till late for heavy crying that won't stop and when you feel them it gets worse. Do you know I used to carry Rhys (my first) around with me all day as I couldn't leave him crying, I used to make packed ,lunch in the fridge ready the night before so I could grab it one handed so I didnt have to leave him crying! boy did I realise with the second, that my first - he had me wraped round his little fingers from such an early age!! and knew crying would result in being picked up! Second baby , I did things differently, got the baby used to having a little cry while I needed to do things for short periods, when really quite happy. I was a new woman! Even left baby asleep in the room when hoovering etc right from the first week to get them used to the noise, and he soon slept through it!

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