having a days break from solids?


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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last few days leah has been really constipated - only doing tiny rabbit poos.
its obvious its the new food ive been giving her - pilkers sent me a load of recipes and leah loves them, it's just made her really constipated that she's in pain when passing.
would it be ok to have a day with just milk and no solids? to give her body a break and the extra water in her milk should clear her out a bit?
lol if it's not ok, somebody needs to tell Alex haha. He's had so many days break (of his own will) from solids I can't even count
thats the best thing to do.

have you been giving her the same food for at least 4 days?? I don't introduce any new foods until Evie has had 4 days on one thing just to make sure she doesn't have any reactions.

Take her nappy off and cycle her legs for a bit...that always works for Evie. And like you said...plenty of water

also banana is good for both constipation and diarrhea (sp?)
banana CAUSES constipation!

Don't give her banana!

A breaks fine chick.

Banana causes Ellie quite alot of discomfort and to be constipated so we limit it until her tum's matured a bit more. Try cutting it out and see if it helps? x
Course it is hun, we used to have the odd day when we just had bottles, just flush it out with water Kimbo, she will soon pooh it all out hunni.
KJ said:
banana CAUSES constipation!

Don't give her banana!


Ripe bananas can help to relieve constipation, unripe/green bananas are the ones that cause constipation.
Bananas are of great value both in constipation and diar­rhoea as they normalize colonic functions in the large intestine to absorb large amounts of water for proper bowel moments.
the banana would have to be very ripe for it to have the opposite effect, ie brown spots on the skin.

I was told that if Arianna ever had constipation to give her a bottle of warm water with a teeny tiny pinch of brown sugar in it (I mean like two granuals!)

My HV told me that when Arianna was really young, so it is perfectly safe for Leah to have at her age.
KJ said:
the banana would have to be very ripe for it to have the opposite effect, ie brown spots on the skin.


I never feed Evie a banana without brown spots on.. It's the only way you can guarantee they are ripe

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