Have you put weight on?


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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Im a bit concerned as i havent put any weight on yet and i dont really show atall? Is this normal? I know most people are concerned about putting weight on but im the opposite (suppose its because i lost a hell of a lot of weight when i was ill with the crohns)

Ive also not had any morning sickness but today ended up thowing up in town (luckily found a quiet alley) Isnt it a bit late to be getting morning sickness?

Just need a bit of reassurance.. saying all this i am pleased as im 12 weeks tomorrow! whoohoo!!

Claire x
some people don't put weight on for a while, i went from being tubby to being masive over night when i was 7 months pregnant with my daughter, also with regards to sickness you can get it any time from beginning to the end, i remember with my son i was sick all the way through even on the last day before i went into labour
Hi Nori, sorry to hear about your morning sickness, I've been lucky and avoided that symptom. Fingers crossed you'll see the back of it soon.

I've still not put on any weight either, been a bit bloated and just the last couple of days my jeans have got a bit tight but no baby bump as yet. I read somewhere some people often lose weight in the first tri, especially with morning sickness.

Hope this eases your concern a little, sure you'll start gaining weight soon enough, but don't think it's anything to worry about as yet.

Take care,

Sarah x
You're soooo normal hun :hug:

Some women even LOSE weight... You WILL put it on eventually, you'll probably be really lucky and only put on a little bit :dance:

You might just be having an "off" day and that's why you were sick? Sometimes women only get it for a few days then they're fine again.

For me, I didn't get ANY morning sickness at all. I didn't even get nauseous! I'm really shocked, I've only put on 8 pounds but I swear it should be about 38 pounds after the way I've been eating!

i look like im 6 months pregnant already lol! mw says im just carrying a hell of alot of water but i reckon that was her nice way of saying that im fat lol. with jaden i lost about 2 stone in the first four months then WHAM i woke up and i was massive! well thats how it seemed. x
I havent put on weight but you would think I had!
I look bigger! All bloated haha
I've put on about 6lbs!! :|

But I'm still not showing bump wise. All that weight is on my boobs, and my waist. You wouldn't know it to look at me at all!

My friend who is a month ahead actually lost 4lbs in her first trimester but has the beginnings of a lovely baby bump, so I don't think its anything to worry about.

Enjoy it if you havent put weight on I think!! I lost a stone in the months before I got pg but have put it all back on plus some in the past 4 weeks (7wks5d pg)!! I only have to look at achocolate bar to put wieght on in normal circumstances and it seems to be even more so now. It's very depressing...not a cute baby bump a general all round chubbiness. I am trying to eat healthily and do some exercise but it's in vain. It's horrible and making me feel really poo.
A friend of mine lost a stone in the first few weeks because she couldnt keep anything down and was really worried but went on later to deliver healthy twins...so no weight gain at the start is normal for some people. Enjoy it!
i lost 2 stone in the firt 13 weeks , i regained a stone when i gave birth at 34 weeks
with my first i lost just over a stone in the first trimester, due to really bad morning sickness. i never really put on any weight with mine till i was 20 weeks plus
Thanks everyone. I feel much better now. I just get paranoid about losing weight (hate being skinny!!) I'm still just over 9 stone so a healthy weight.. Just hope it stays that way.

Oh and im 12 weeks today!! Yay!!! This time next week i would have had my scan!

Claire x

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