Eating things you "shouldn't"

Well you guys have made me feel a whole lot better. It's difficult because on the one hand I'm thinking i don't want to do anything that might be detrimental and on the other hand 9 months is a long time to go without a dippy egg!

Well I think I might relax a bit and allow the odd egg in there once in a while. I didn't even realise there was a problem with salami, I've had lots of that recently as the sandwich man at work sells lovely salami and swiss cheese baguettes. Woops!

On a positive note I actually managed to cook and eat a propper meal tonight for the first time in 6 weeks. The sickness is finally starting to tail off i think. :dance:
My midwife said that if you want it eat it. Just not loads of it.

Bring on the seafood!

EDIT: Actually no the thought of that is making me :puke:
:lol: Yes seafood is not my friend at the mo. I have to go elsewhere when hubby feed the cats as the smell is just :puke:

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