Have you ever

I have never come close, but would do if need be. Was.quite unimpressed however to see the example they used on the news for this story last week had an amazing tv, computer, beautifully decorated.home.etc and their.little one was about 3months in a gorgeous little outfit and they were saying how little money they had for food? It's such a big problem I just feel daybreak totally belittled the story.by using a family who obviously feel belongings etc are more important than feeding the family? Sorry.ramble over x

Maybe they lived in furnished rented accommodation?! And maybe the outfit was a gift?!
I don't think its right to judge them based on what it looked like they possessed. Things aren't always as they seem.

Tapatalking from my blackberry!
maybe so but your landlord doesnt give you a flatscreen tv, maybe things where not as they seem but i would be selling gifts anything to feed my family. She even had hair extensions, maybe those where a girf too buti would have said dont buy me that get me an asda gift card.
I dnt understand how people can actually get in that state x

I agree.

I believe if people learned to live within their means, and had no debt. Food should never be a choice and a child in this country should not go hungry nor see their parents. Maybe I'm naive :whistle: xx
I dnt understand how people can actually get in that state x

I agree.

I believe if people learned to live within their means, and had no debt. Food should never be a choice and a child in this country should not go hungry nor see their parents. Maybe I'm naive :whistle: xx

I feel the need to answer how people can 'get in that state'. I hadn't long moved into my own home as a single parent and was waiting for benefits to be sorted. I was at uni and had used all my money on moving. I had minimal furniture (no internet or tv or sofas etc...not even a fridge lol). Sometimes you get handed a duff card in life for a bit. Its sometimes not a case of living within your means...sometimes you just have no money :)

Everything is sorted for me now but some people don't get that privilege I guess.
I dnt understand how people can actually get in that state x

I agree.

I believe if people learned to live within their means, and had no debt. Food should never be a choice and a child in this country should not go hungry nor see their parents. Maybe I'm naive :whistle: xx

I feel the need to answer how people can 'get in that state'. I hadn't long moved into my own home as a single parent and was waiting for benefits to be sorted. I was at uni and had used all my money on moving. I had minimal furniture (no internet or tv or sofas etc...not even a fridge lol). Sometimes you get handed a duff card in life for a bit. Its sometimes not a case of living within your means...sometimes you just have no money :)

Everything is sorted for me now but some people don't get that privilege I guess.

I apologise. I know there are times when it can't be helped. I did mean more long-term but didn't explin myself very well xx
Oh I do agree that many people learn to live in their means. It's a massive problem in this country that people think they deserve everything without working for it and have a strange view of priorities. Just wanted to put out my story to show it's not always like how they show on the news. Didn't mean it to come across arsey or anything. :)
Definitely. The amount of fraud and debt in this country proves just that. xx
Yeah I sort of feel that people in that position are being judged. Hubby and I have been there too, albeit before we were married and didn't have Sophia.
But I was working full time in an office in the NHS, and was a victim of the cuts. First they dropped my band, and therefore my pay, then they had to let me go. At the same time, hubby had gone for a change of career from the care industry, and got a job as a driver, but on the morning he was supposed to start, they called him saying the contract had been cancelled and they could no longer hire him.
So we were both, within the same week, without work!
We lived in a manky old flat with mould on the walls and no heating. And even that became above our means! We had some savings but not loads, and that quickly went on rent, and of course my husbands MOT and tax for his car came up at the same time. And our cooker broke, so our savings went in no time!
We both signed on the dole for a while, then I started working on my photography, and hubby did agency work til he got his SIA license and a security job.
We were in an awful position for months, but not cause we lived beyond our means or couldn't be assed working.
Sometimes we went without a proper meal for a week at a time, living on toast and pot noodles. So its very possible to end up in that position, even if ur not squandering ur money away.
We were just having a string of seriously bad luck! 2009 was the worst year of my life!

Tapatalking from my blackberry!
BUT, I feel the need to add that we had a flat screen TV, a playstation (which we ended up selling), a laptop, and I had nice clothes and hair extensions, because they were bought when we could afford them.

Tapatalking from my blackberry!
Yeah I sort of feel that people in that position are being judged. Hubby and I have been there too, albeit before we were married and didn't have Sophia.
But I was working full time in an office in the NHS, and was a victim of the cuts. First they dropped my band, and therefore my pay, then they had to let me go. At the same time, hubby had gone for a change of career from the care industry, and got a job as a driver, but on the morning he was supposed to start, they called him saying the contract had been cancelled and they could no longer hire him.
So we were both, within the same week, without work!
We lived in a manky old flat with mould on the walls and no heating. And even that became above our means! We had some savings but not loads, and that quickly went on rent, and of course my husbands MOT and tax for his car came up at the same time. And our cooker broke, so our savings went in no time!
We both signed on the dole for a while, then I started working on my photography, and hubby did agency work til he got his SIA license and a security job.
We were in an awful position for months, but not cause we lived beyond our means or couldn't be assed working.
Sometimes we went without a proper meal for a week at a time, living on toast and pot noodles. So its very possible to end up in that position, even if ur not squandering ur money away.
We were just having a string of seriously bad luck! 2009 was the worst year of my life!

Tapatalking from my blackberry!

oh my goodness, that must have been AWFUL :(

It was!! We said that if we could make it through that together we can make it through anything! And we came out the other end stronger than ever :) x

Tapatalking from my blackberry!
It was!! We said that if we could make it through that together we can make it through anything! And we came out the other end stronger than ever :) x

Tapatalking from my blackberry!

That's very true, me and my oh have been through some really bad times financially together as well and we always vow we would never ever fall out about money- its not worth it and it doesn't change anything. I can think of times where I've managed to do a weeks food shop on £20.00 and it was awful but we managed. And I agree with jayjay, we also have nice things plasma tv, etc, things that had been already bought. We will get through anything together now xx

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BUT, I feel the need to add that we had a flat screen TV, a playstation (which we ended up selling), a laptop, and I had nice clothes and hair extensions, because they were bought when we could afford them.

Tapatalking from my blackberry!

I know they can be bought before the money issue but i would sell them asap my material things would be the first thing to go, i wouldnt even have hair streightners if it was them or feed me and my kids. Maybe it was different if there was just you and OH i think having kids changes everyones views we have had weeks where we have lived on supernoodles but i wouldn't do it now i have Alice to feed and look after xx
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