Have our 1st Antenatal Class tonight

Sounds VERY similar to my first NCT class on Wednesday night actually. Group introductions, few tasks to do, bit of listening/questions etc on the stages of labour and how to spot signs of labour etc. Class was 2 hours long also, 2nd session next week. Wonder if the NHS and NCT follow the same type of pattern?
Nicola said:
Sounds VERY similar to my first NCT class on Wednesday night actually. Group introductions, few tasks to do, bit of listening/questions etc on the stages of labour and how to spot signs of labour etc. Class was 2 hours long also, 2nd session next week. Wonder if the NHS and NCT follow the same type of pattern?

The Parentcraft classes that I'm attending lasts for 5 weeks.
Next week's topic is on pain relief.
Week 3: Breastfeeding
Week 4: Tour of the obstetric hospital
Week 5: Health visitors and Q&A session

Are your NCT classes following a similar structure?
Sort of I suppose, we don't get a tour of the hospital/labour ward as part of our classes though. I've arranged a one to one tour with the midwife for a fortnights time though so I can have a look and see what's what despite planning a homebirth you never know.

Week 1: as above
Week 2: Wednesday & Friday classes (Friday women only - apparently this covers the 'gory' bits??) - Unsure of Wednesday's topic.
Week 3: Wednesday (breastfeeding)
Week 4: Wednesday - Don't know the topic
Week 5: Wednesday & Friday (Friday women only - more breastfeeding) - unsure of what wednesday's topic is
Week 6: Wednesday - again don't know the topic

I know on Wednesday we made 3 lists:
1) Pregnancy & Antenatal
2) Labour & Birth
3) Postnatal & Parenting

We all wrote down everything on those three sheets that we wanted to cover and she said we'd made great lists and just added a few bits, I mean one girl wrote for labour "planned c-sections" and the leader added in "and unplanned c-sections" as apparently 25% of women have c-sections in our area. So if we covered the things on the list were going to have some great classes ahead of us. Will have to update you on Thursday as to what week 2's class was about Wednesday night. We have 8 classes over 6 weeks, 2 are female only - I suppose incase there are things we don't want to ask with men there or more intimate details? Not sure...keep you posted.
I thought the woman only session was when they bring in nursing bras, measure everyone and try to flog them to you?? Not sure where I read that but I did read that is what the woman only session is for??

Mine start next Thursday... my teacher rang last night and our all day Saturday session has been moved from 7th to 14th July - the day after my brothers wedding!! aarrrgh! so if we do go we will go there and back in a day now!
topbird said:
I thought the woman only session was when they bring in nursing bras, measure everyone and try to flog them to you?? Not sure where I read that but I did read that is what the woman only session is for??

Oh I hope not!! We have two women only sessions. The first is this coming Friday and is supposed to be about the gory details of giving birth and "embarrassing" questions about that or returning to a normal sex life afterwards or what ever. The women only class in 3 weeks time is on Breastfeeding. I shan't have them measuring me for bra's I'm off to Rigby & Pellers for that next month so they can forget about measuring me!! :shakehead: I'll be most cross if we've paid for a session that's trying to flog bra's for 2 hours....might even complain if it is, it's not what we paid for or signed up for.
Know what you mean... I thought it was a bit cheeky too... will see what they say next Thursday. Wil try and find out where I heard it from....

Though I have never had the courage to be measured properly and haven't got any nursing bras so I would probably quite appreciate it!
Humm don't know...I've just emailed my friend who had twins at Christmas (lovely huh!) she went through NCT classes so I've just emailed to ask....will report back although it has to be said with 5/6 month old twins she doesn't email too often! :hug:
Had a reply...she had 6 classes not 8 as all her sessions were couples. She said there was no mention of bra selling at hers but she has heard that some groups do push the NCT bra's as they do sell them in all sizes apparently and if they do start selling them to say were there for breastfeeding tuition not bra sales. Will have to bear that in mind!!
I guess classes do vary a bit from place to place then. We only have one 2 hour session that is woman only and it is at the tutor's house. We have 5 evenings of 3 hours and a full day 10-5pm which are couples.

I asked my OH if he could remember where I got the thing about bra selling from and apparently the NCT tutor mentioned it the first time I spoke to her a few months ago to get more information and book... Oh well, like I said I have never been measured before so I might pluck up the courage if everyone is in the same boat! Sure there will not be any pressure to buy or anything so wouldn't worry too much, might be useful to get some advice on choosing the right bra and fit anyway.

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