Have our 1st Antenatal Class tonight


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2006
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Hi all not sure what to expect we have our first antenatal class tonight.
I have my second tonight. I didnt really learn much as it is all on here. We talked about the stages of labour, watched a video, etc. We also had to sit in a circle and say our names (not so nice).

It was great for my OH he learnt alot, im not to bothered about going tonight but my OH cannot wait bless him.
My first NCT class is tomorrow night. I don't know what to expect or what we'll cover either. We'll all have to report back tomorrow/thursday on what we found out!! :cheer:
My DH is dreading it and keeps coming up with silly reasons why he shouldn't go but he's under orders from me that no excusses he's coming. :wink:

Some friends of ours who have a couple of kids told him to pass he has to be able to put a nappy on a doll :D
I hope it goes well. We went to a parentcraft BIG day on Saturday. It lasted from 9.30 - 3.30 and included a tour of the ante natal, post natal and labour wards. My OH thought it was great and, although I had reservations about how useful it would be, I also really enjoyed it.

we just had our first NCT class last night.

It was a bit weird, being the first one. I think everyone just felt a bit awkward.

I think we were the youngest there (we're both 27) so felt a little weird but all in all it was a good experience.

We did lots of games and talking and writing things down.

I hope that next week, we'll feel more relaxed with each other and it'll get easier.

Hi Smurf...how was your 1st class last night?
I've got mine tonight, looking forward to it, excited things are happening now but a little nervous etc about meeting heaps of new people!!
I and DH dont want to go to one, the onyl one i want to go too is when they talk about breathing again and good birthing positions.
They all make me feel a bit akward, and at the last one i was only 20 and was m,ade to feel like a underage teen! needless to say i left halfway through and never went back!
Plus my DH was bored shitless and refuses to go to anymore!
KJ said:
we just had our first NCT class last night.

It was a bit weird, being the first one. I think everyone just felt a bit awkward.

I think we were the youngest there (we're both 27) so felt a little weird but all in all it was a good experience.

We did lots of games and talking and writing things down.

I hope that next week, we'll feel more relaxed with each other and it'll get easier.


I need to know all about these as I have just had my confirmation through!

Games?! For some reason Twister came into my head :rotfl:
oh nothing that exciting! The lady gave out loads of cards with pictures of the various stages of labour on them. Life size and the inside view (if you know what I mean). We had to agree on the correct order in which to put everything. The baby looked like a little old chinese man!

We also had cards with the names of all the major hormones to do with birth on them and we had to match them up with the effects that they had.

We also had jigsaws to do, one for Adrenalin and one for Oxytocin. The pieces gave information on the effects relating to labour of each one.

She read us a positive birth story and we also had to write down the pleasures and pains of pregnancy (she split us into men ans women for that one, us mums to be were still on pains when the men had finished!!).

wow KJ, sounds a bit full on... I better get revising for my NCT classes next Thursday! :D
madam bully said:
Games?! For some reason Twister came into my head :rotfl:

God I hope not I can hardly get up out of our sofa now let alone think about crawling about on twister mats!! :rotfl:
See the whole sitting in a circle and saying names and that and all the games would intimidate me.....i dontr know why, has anyone else felt like me at theirs?
I am sceptical as to how OH will be at NCT classes as he loves to take the pee out of people :shock: :oops:

Hopefully he will find it interesting, I get the picture that most men just go to keep us happy!
My DH is coming along because, well I suppose because I said he needed to come, I think he'd be happier staying home and telling me who got fired from apprentice than sitting talking about labour stages, pain control and not to take offence if the wife swears at him for it all being his fault type thing. He asked last night what the men have to do there. I said I wasn't sure just that they covered birthing partner support and that he should be more involved so he's coming. Will have to update you tomorrrow on his take on things....see what he makes of it all on the drive home!!
I don't like the idea of sitting in a circle introducing ourselves either. But we didn't do that at our Parentcraft day. It was very relaxed and participation wasn't forced. I must admit I did ask quite a few questions (more than I expected I would) but then I did feel it was our one opportunity to ask and didn't want to leave wondering about anything.

My OH was the one who was pushing to go! I didn't bother asking about the classes but he embarrassed me by asking the Consultant and MW about them at our last two AN appointments! :oops:
Eeek!! Leaving for our first class in 30 minutes...update tomorrow on how it goes since it doesn't end till 10pm :sleep:
Had my 1st NHS Parentcraft class tonight. It was how I expected - we all sat around in a semi-circle, introducing ourselves. Then we got split up into 3 separate groups to do some brainstorming on our expectations from childbirth. After that, it was back to the midwife talking and the rest of us listening and asking questions. I thought I would get bored, but I found it quite interesting, and it was good to be able to find out things other than from reading from a book, and be able to ask questions too. Today's class was all about the different stages of labour and the session lasted from 6-8pm. I'm looking forward to the next session.

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