Have officially given up....


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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breastfeeding in public!! It's just too difficult, Lizzie has never been a great feeder and she just won't stay on for longer than a couple of sucks. So I cope with it at home, even though it's really hard, and have to take bottles out with me so save the stress!

I was just wondering though, if I'm out for say 6 hours, I would normally feed twice in this time but obviously can only express the once when I get home. Does it matter if I express a big amount in one go (say 6oz) even if normally I would give her two 3oz feeds spread out if I was at home feeding? Will my supply be ok??
Not sure but when G was sleeping 7-3am I was waking up with very full boobs and able to fill him up quickly with just one side and then would express the other side but I've found over the last week that i'm making less milk and he's needing both sides a lot of the time so even though I was expressing my body knows it doesn't need as much milk. Probably because expressing doesn't stimulate milk production as well as baby feeding. Shame you can't feed in public easily.
Oh hon, must be a hard decision but hope you feel better for making a decision. It's so tricky when they get distracted so easioly. Best of luck. No advise on the expressing but as she gets older she'll feed less. I miss bfing :(
i think your supply will be fine, i had a similar thing i.e sofia feeding less and now an evening feed being bottle, and i thought oh god my supply will suffer, but it hasnt! Ive dropped one feed, and i still feed the rest of the time and honestly its fine. x

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