Have not been around these past few days - ive lost my baby


May 1, 2006
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I have some sad news. My little girl was delivered 5 days ago - she was still born. I was having contractions and i have a placental abruption. We called Her:

Tiny Star, she was 2lbs 1 onz. We thought this name was appropriate. Im feeling utter loss at the moment, and very low.
I would love to start posting again, and in time i will. Thanks for the support Sarah x
Aw Sarah I'm really sorry for your pain.

Thoughts for you & your family.

x x
Im so sorry for your loss.
Thinking of you and your family at this time.
God bless you.
So sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family

Take care


Linsey x
Sarah I'm so sorry to hear your sad news. My heart goes out to you xxx
im sorry for your loss must be so hard, another girl on this forum has recently been through the same thing her and a few other people i no that have had to deal with still born really recomend a group called s.a.n.d.s my mum had a still born and said if it wasnt for SANDS she would have never got through it
Im thinking of you, your family and little star at this sad, sad time.
what sad news :( sorry - my thoughts are with you and your family
bless tiny star, she is with the angels now looking down on you.
I am sorry about the passing of you Angel.

You and your family are in my prayers

L xx
im so terribly sorry for your loss i know how you feel as ive just been through the same thing my angel jamie was born sleeping at 34 and a half weeks and its devestating
as dionne has mentioned i have found great comfort from talking to others in the same situation on the SANDS forums (laura i hope you dont mind me mentioning other forums if so please delete this post) SANDS stands for stillbirth and neonatal death society and there are hundreds of women going through the same thing and sometimes it is helpful to talk to someone who understands how you are feeling.
all the girls here have also been a fantastic support to me and i dont know how id have got through this without them.
please be gentle on yourself it is very early days for you yet, are you arranging a funeral? or is the hospital doing that for you?
please feel you can pm me if you need to talk about anything i know what a lonely time this can be my thoughts are with you
luv rach xxxxxxxxx

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