Have just thrown DH out the house! :D

I did have things hidden in my underwear drawer & he found them, cant believe he went looking in there.

I've since found an old handbag, which is hanging amounst others on the exercise bike, there's no way he'd ever go looking in there, its great coz the bag doesn't look like it can hold much.

He's even taken my wee girls school stuff - he always leaves 1 or 2 packs but they're meant to do like a full week. He's a greedy pig


I love it! Your exercise bike is handbag storage!

I love this thread, although now I'm thinking about Wispas. :) x
I dunno, maybe it's because I have 8 brothers that the mean streak is prominent in me. My OH ate all of my sweets when I was at work, this happened several times until finally I'd had enough.....cue a trip to the joke shop.
Again I went to work one sunday and he ate all the sweets in my pot......unfortunately he then had to go to work on the Monday with bright blue teeth :lol: xxxxxxxxxxx
Uch - I'm just back from the shop & forgot to get myself a wispa :cry:

I did get a drifter & a 4 pack of kit kat chunky (for me and OH to share)

At least my exercise bike is useful for something. It can get dismantled but I might lose motivation after birth - keeping it there as a reminder.

I am humungous - really need to stop eating - struggling to fit into my size 14 jammie trousers (they sit under bump) :shock:
I'm off out for the afternoon and then for tea shortly = so gonna have to find somewhere to hide the remaining 7 or im pretty sure he'll have most of them eaten. lol

lol my OH is the chocoholic so theres always chocolate in the fridge, usually twirls and wispa's and dairy milk. he dont mind me having the odd one and i hardly ever do. chocolate dont agree with me in large amounts. your OH is proper greedy eating 3 in one evening. lol
Lol, Wispas! Earlier on in my pregnancy my OH ate all the Wotsits and I woke up in the middle night, craving some so badly, I just started crying. He had to go to a garage nearby and buy a few single packs. I was not happy with him ;)
Thing is - Scotts not really guilty of eating sweets - and i know he had his dinner late - so pretty sure that he ate them out of pure bordem!! which is worse!

its kinda a bit on the opposite side for me. ever since ive got this cereal craving ive been eating like half a box a day. and they're also oh's fav too. so now hes gone to taking a box to work with him and leaving it in his car. but the other day he went shopping with my mum and they didnt have the right one so they got a different one wasnt too pleased so oh grudingly gave me his hehe x
its kinda a bit on the opposite side for me. ever since ive got this cereal craving ive been eating like half a box a day. and they're also oh's fav too. so now hes gone to taking a box to work with him and leaving it in his car. but the other day he went shopping with my mum and they didnt have the right one so they got a different one wasnt too pleased so oh grudingly gave me his hehe x

I love cereal.

Whats your fave?


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