Early weaning


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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With DD I waited until she was 6 months - she just wasn't ready any ealier and then took to it really well and never looked back.#

However Green Bean is obsessed with food - when we are eating he stares and stares at the food and watches us putting the food in his mouth. DD has already shoved quite a lot of food in his mouth when I wasn't looking (Dolly Mixture, chocolate buttons, chocolate cake mix and god knows what else) she has also given him orange juice out of her beaker which he enjoyed and cried his eyes out when I took it off them.

Anyway, he had some ice cream yesterday and loved that too, so I got a rusk out of the cupboard and he attacked it with vigour.

I don't feel comfortable weaning him yet but he is really really showing me all the signs. If he had more co-ordination then I would be more inclined as I am keen on baby led weaning as it worked so well with DD, however he is getting less and less interested in my boob and my instincts tell me he needs something else. I know I could try topping him up with formula, however I can't express much and I just have a huge feeling that if I start bottle feeding him he won't be at all bothered feeding from me (he gets sooo bored and wants to look out at the world not in at me and the nursing necklace :( ) so I will have to stop giving him booby milk completely. He is getting plenty of milk from me so I know it's not that.

Sorry a bit of an essay and I know no-one will have a magic solution.
If he was a month older I wouldn't think twice. Arghhhhh - blumming baby!!

cheers hun - good to know seed went through a similar stage and it passes :)
Cally is also going through this stage. During the day she gets really distracted and wants to play about and reach out for things. Then at others she willlatch on the comeoff a minute later and want to play, then want a sip then off again -aargh! She is waking lots more at night as at times she just isn't getting enough milk in the day. I am finding if I feed her when she is sleepy she will have a better feed.
Not sure Debbie - am getting him weighed tomorrow (if I get time) or if not it'll be next Wednesday.
I think his weight is starting to drop off as quite a few people have mentionned that he doesn't feel like he weighs as much as they expected him too.
beanie said:
Cally is also going through this stage. During the day she gets really distracted and wants to play about and reach out for things. Then at others she willlatch on the comeoff a minute later and want to play, then want a sip then off again -aargh! She is waking lots more at night as at times she just isn't getting enough milk in the day. I am finding if I feed her when she is sleepy she will have a better feed.

That sounds so much like Luke at the moment!
Is this a '3 month thing' ?? Jack has been doing all the same things - more interested in what I am eating than the boob he is offered!

My HV suggested trying him with some baby rice at 4 or 4 1/2 months if we felt confident. I think we will, see how he responds to it.

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