Have I had a misscarriage?


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Aug 20, 2014
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Can anyone help? I'm about 6.5 weeks pregnant.
This morning I went to the toilet and I had lots of small deep red clots (no real blood just a bit of deep red discharge when I wiped, as soon as I wiped it was gone and that was it no more bleeding or discharge.
I rang my doctor and he says il have miscarried and I need to see if I have a normal period in the next week.
But my local early pregnancy unit has booked me in for a scan a week on Monday and says not to give up hope, I'm confused at what to think.
Has anyone had similar?
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Its difficult to tell I'm afraid. Scan will tell you. I know lots of women bleed in the beginning - some very badly and others throughout the pregnancy and baby is totally fine.
I don't know why the dr told you if you had mc you would get your period in the next week. I've not heard of that before, but maybe it can happen. With both mine it took 6 weeks for my period to come back.
I hope all is well. Big hug. xxx
I had a bleed at 7/8 weeks, went for scan and baby was measuring 6 weeks with a slow heartbeat, had to go back a week later and sadly baby had died. However EPU did tell me that ladies that have a bleed during pregnancy - 50% miscarry and 50% go on to have healthy babies, so don't listen to your dr just yet. Have a scan and they will confirm what is happening. Fingers crossed for you. xx
Im sorry you have to go through this! Its such a horrible thing. You can have a bleed and bubs is still ok. Your EPU is the best place for advice. My dr was awful. Unfortunately it is one of the worst waiting games. I so hope you get good news!
Hi, I had bleeding during my pregnancy, at 7 weeks for 3 days (on and off over the 3 days and bright red and little clots) and went on to have a perfect pregnancy. I was told it was likely just burying itself in even deeper and bits still attaching causing some bleeding.

Really hope it all turns out well for you, fingers crossed for your scan on Monday xx
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Its silly of your doctor to say that, he cant tell whats going on really. Only a scan can show whats happening, try to stay calm until you go epu. Really hope everythings ok for you x
I had two losses at 5 weeks and my GP was useless, the EPU or A&E are the best people. Also once I passed clots I continued to bleed like a normal period. Effectively both losses just looked like I had had a heavy period and my cycle was totally normal after each (which I guess was lucky). The other thing I would say is that with both of mine the day after I passed the clots a pregnancy test was coming up as almost close to negative - certainly it was much much fainter than the BFP line I had got with them.

However there is a lady in tri 2 who bled for the first couple of months with her pregnancy and everything is now fine - bleeds do happen and only a scan can really tell you for sure. Sorry you are going through this worrying time xx
Hi CC...the others are totally right...the scan is the only way you will know what the situation is. Bleeding isn't enough on it's own. I had very heavy bleeding in my first pregnancy and went on to find that everything was fine. In the last one had no bleeding at all and it turned out to be a mmc. so just keep positive and fx the scan will show that everything is just as it should be. Take care and good luck on Monday xx
Just thought I would update everyone, have been for my scan today and the baby is fine, found the heart beat straight away, thanks everyone for telling me to stay positive! Xx

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