Has your loss made you reconsider your life plan?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2007
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Just a thought, inspired my Steelgoddess's post on our future plans for children -

my first miscarriage I left university (I was halfway through my 2nd year), it just made me think that I really didn't want to be doing that at that time. I've been working full-time since then but now, after second loss, I've just signed up with Open University to take a degree in Psychology.

It's made me reassess everything again in a completely different way. I guess I'm older and wiser now. Just wondering if any of you ladies have reacted to loss in a similar way...

Hi honey, I am sorry for your loss :hug: :hug:

You have asked a very interesting question because I think something so profound does make you look at your life and reassess.

When I miscarried last year (my first one) I was so distraught. I remember sitting alone in my study at 3am about 3 months after, just crying and wondering why I wasn't pregnant anymore.

I don't know why but I suddenly decided I wanted something positive to come out of the experience, rather than feeling so lonely and unfulfilled.

Next day I enrolled at the volunteer centre. I have been volunteering with a group of disabled adults for over a year now. It is great fun, I have met lots of new friends and it is very rewarding. It certainly was a really positive thing to come out of such sadness.
Always plan your life out with a pencil... because you can always rub things out and start again...

Loss tends to make everyone reassess their situation... for me it made me realise that I no longer loved my ex and that he treated me very badly... so I left him, moved to Spain, met my husband and am now pregnant again.... It took five years to get where I am... but I got there. :)

For my parents, after my sister died from Edwards syndrome, they decided they wanted to help with more handicapped people, and they ended up adopting my brother and sister who have Downs.

So I am a great believer in the fact that from the greatest losses comes the brightest of lights, we just can't see it at the time. :hug: :hug: :hug:
urm, it has kinda made me get my arse in gear...

IM quite lucky i have no debts but have a couple of overdrafts so working to pay those off...

I also want to set my house up ready for baby well clear the rooms and sort them anyway...

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