Has anyone used St Georges Hospital in Tooting?


May 8, 2005
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Hi All
I am 9 weeks pregnant expecting my first child and am still trying to understand how the systems work here in the UK (I am Irish). When I discovered I was pregnant I went to the doctor who didn't do any tests just took my blood pressure and a urine test and then sent my details to my nearest hospital which is St Georges in Tooting. I have been contacted for a scan date when I am 12 weeks and have been told that I can expect the midwife to contact me for an appointment when I am 15-18 weeks. Is this normal? I had this idea in my head that someone would see me sometime between seeing the doctor and doing the first scan? It all seems so hands off and because it is my first pregnancy I would love to know if I am experiencing normal "service" levels or if this is not usual. Any feedback would be really appreciated.

So far, fingers crossed, the pregnancy is going fine and I have not had any morning sickness which is a relief. Thats not to say it won't arrive later I suppose!

Hi A!

I am from the UK. I suppose every GP is different. What happened with me is. I contacted the doc and told him that I was preg. He did not even take a test. He then said here is a pregnancy pack fill that in.. The midwife will be intouch to book a date to come and see you to take your blood test and arrange a scan date. So mine seems toatlly different to your but eithere way they done the same thing.

I think the problem with midwifes and gp's is they like to see uds as less as possible till after 12weeks. But If you have any queries or concerns just contact your GP.

Congratulations and Good Luck with your pregnancy by the way!

Love Danielle xx
Thanks Danielle. I guess its just different to the old days when our mums were mollycuddled and spent 5 days in hospital after the birth to be pampered!!
Yeah I guess It Is, A lot different. Can I ask... For the last 4 wks I have had this metalic taste in my mouth and no matter how many times I brush my teeth it will not go away. dO YOU KNOW OF ANY WEBSITES OR ANY ADVICE TO GET RID OF THIS?
Hey Danielle
I have heard that this can happen to people though I haven't experienced it myself. Have you tried ginger ale (I am addicted to it and it helps get rid of any nausea). An other alternative is to try a really good mouthwash - listerine is pretty strong!
hiya ive posted this in another post but you can find out other mums that have been to the hospital you are having its at www.bounty.com its under discussions! also if you do a search for nearest hospital it will give you info on it

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