I waited until my 12 week scan last time. I was dated at 11+5. I didn't tell a sole before hand. Though I had an early scan at 6 weeks, I still waited.
This time, we have told only important people, close relatives such as my parents, partners mum and brother. Also I have had to tell my boss as otherwise my appointments out of work won't be classed as ante-natal and I would either lose the money or have to work the time back which proves tricky when I have a little boy to get from nursery.
We had a scan on Monday due to pain at 8+1 but we are still waiting until the 12 week scan to announce it publicly. Then we will tell the rest of the extended family before making it general knowledge on FB.
Tri 1 is so nerve wracking so with the higher risk of MC in first 12 weeks, I personally prefer to wait.
However, my partners brothers sister (if that makes sense) well, her brother & fiancee have announced their due date on FB and they're due 2 days before us..... I was so shocked they announced so soon considering she had an emergency scan due to bleeding xx