Has anyone not bought a pram


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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And just bought a few carriers?
Im going to use mei tai this time as I found the moby quite fiddly. Although I will still use my moby at the start for some of the snuggly new born holds.
I loved baby wearing with both my children. It was rewarding and safe and just great. Plus I lost a tonne of weight between that and bfing :lol:

I just can't decide whether to buy one mei tai (as well as the one my friend is lending me) and still get a pram or just forget the pram and get loads of funky mei tais and baby carrying clothes...

Any advice appreciated :)

We bought a moby and a pram but only because I have a bad back and had no idea if baby wearing would even be feasible for me! I'm glad we had both as when DS got older I did find it a bit more difficult to wear him for long periods (he was a big, for me, baby!) but for nipping to the shop/school run the moby was invaluable!
This doesn't really help does it?! Lol x sorry x
I ordered a pram and I got a moby too.
The way I think it is that maybe o will have a c section? Maybe the grandparents will want to walk the baby in the pram, or we go shopping and we have a really long day outside so I may not be able to carry the baby for too long plus it may sleep better in the pram ?
But the main reason was the weather that we have in Norway... Sometimes it's really really freezing and terrible storms. I can barely stay dry and warm myself let alone the baby...
as the baby will not do so often outside the first month maybe you just wait and see?
You don't have to go for a new one either so if you decide that you want one after all it's always fast to get one from eBay?
Oh yeah my pram will be second hand most likely as I just can't talk myself into paying the price for a new one when you can get an almost new so cheap.
I had a csection with both my kids and will again with this one but I was wearing Damon 8 days after my section and had zero problems / discomfort.
I think I might get both. Argh it's hard to decide lol.
I think it's gonna be easier if I have two hands free to keep a hold of DS than having to push a buggy too. Xx

I saw some very nice things that you can put on the prams where the older toddler just stand on his feet on them while you push he pram:) I thought that would be a great fun for them lol.
Also I saw a handler sth that you put on the pram and te older LO walks near the pram holding that!! Either way so so cute :)
Just wait and see how it will go the first couple of weeks and you can decide then?
We're planning on just getting a couple of slings and a baby carrier for the first few months. Then as the baby gets older and heavier we'll think about getting a pram. We're hoping that we'll be able to carry him/her for as long as possible. I'm due in January so wouldn't be going out loads anyway, especially if it's snowy, icy and cold so reckon we can do without a pram for a while! That's the theory, how many bets we'll be out buying in the first couple of weeks lol
I use both, sometimes I find a buggy easier now he's older and he might have a sleep, it's easier with a load of shopping too as you can pile it on the pram lol!

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