Has anyone had this...


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2006
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Just want to see what you think and ask if you have had this.

I am reaching the end of my cycle (see ticker) and have just gone to the loo and there is light pink blood. I also have period type cramping on my left side. It isnt painful but very noticeable.

Its not the same as when i get af and i never get af early. Has anyone had this. Could it be implantation? What do you think??

Hey it sounds like implantation beeding to me missus.... are you going to test now?

Sounds like you may of done it hun x
Well you sound like you have done it too. I really wish it could be but i am not sure if it just means that things are getting ready for af. Its not clotty just when i wipe.

I had the af type cramping last night and it just felt like indigestion. When i told my other half that i had indigestion he was worried as i dont get that never mind how much i eat so he made me try and explain it but i didnt do very well.

Ok ladies, Still no AF. I was due around the 21st to the 25th of Janurary. My bbs r very tender and my nipples kinda of burn slightly. I have had BFN but was told I was testing to early. I also, have a lot of CM. Any opinions and when do u think it would be a good time to test again? Pray
I would have tested...Have you done one in the last few days?

Last time was last week. wed or thursday. I think I wil do another one this week thursday. I hope these "symptoms" r promising. :wink:

Just got so tempting when i just went to the loo and i used a persona test stick... think they are opk's basically?? not sure?

Got a thin blue 2nd line on there..... if i stare long enough :shock:

Good luck to us all on Thursday... Anyone else joing us?

What you using clearblue?

Yea probably. I have some cheap ebay ones but would prefer to use something like clearblue too.


PS A ++ on an opk means pg i think
hi i tested thurs mornin BFN, sat it was brown when i wiped, sun mon 3 positive preg tests!! good luck my fingers r crossed for ya xx :cheer:
The day you had the brown spotting did it feel like af was going to start or anything like that??

Oooh dont think I can wait til Thurs, can you all just test today please? :rotfl: :rotfl:

Got my fingers crossed for you all for Thursday :hug: :hug:
mmm...the cramping is really constant. Its just like a hot pressure, not painful at all but it feels i have eaten too much.

Will have to see if the bpn turns into a bfp. I really hope so. Just have to wait and see now.

Thank you. I am not thinking i could be pg until i see the++ its just too much to cope with each month otherwise.

I was concerned that the excess practice bbd on Sunday may have done something but i think its just one of those things.

I would love to see +++. Have a healthy pregnany and hope to join you soon :?

good luck 4 thursday!!
i had AF cramps 4 days b4 BFP and still get them now so could b good!
fingers crossed for u girls :pray:

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