Has anyone ever concieved straight after AF?


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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I know the chances are small, but hey, I was concieved whilst my mum was on the coil lol so there's always a chance, just wondering if anyone's ever actually managed to?

I've read that it's unlikely as your uterus is thin etc making implantation hard.

Since my AF finished on Monday (well, OH and I thought it was Sunday so BD'ed) we've BD'ed 5 times so hopefully we're giving October a fighting chance to get a BFP! :dance:

I suppose it just all depends on when you ovulate. Good luck for that bfp! xx
Thanks, my OV is a bit hit and miss because my cycles are irregular. I based my ticker on my most recent period which had a gap of 40 odd days and my last period was a bit odd and seemed to stop overnight and restart in the morning which has never happened lol.

Trying to be upbeat and positive about October! :D
We started before AF had finished this month!

We've been trying something different every month and I'm beginning to wonder if we should do a month of things-you-were-told-wouldn't-get-you-pregnant-when-you-were-younger-but-actually-can-somtimes, or 'accidents' like BDing during AF, in the shower, standing up :lol: or failing that I'll get OH to get me steaming drunk - worked for half the girls I went to school with. ;)
Lol! I've been trying the legs up method as it's worked for lots of TTC'ers on another forum I visit. I'm trying to overlook when I am ovulating as well, partly because I'm irregular so it's not really concrete but also because we want to try and relax about it all, again I've read about people are more likely to get pregnant when they're not really trying.

I didn't want to BD during AF as I was worried about it being...messy so we did it when we thought I'd finished - I actually hadn't but then again the next day and so on.. Lol. :)
I'm gonna put myself out there and say no, the number of people who got pregnant right after AF if any is so small that it is negligible.

The cycle woud ahve to be super short and that wouldn't allow enough time for the folicle to form or for the uterus to form before the next cycle started.

If you have the stamina for it, i don't suppose it matters :)
Ah of course. Forgot all about the follicles and lining of the uterus! D'ohhhh. LOL.

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