Has anyone conceived after having Mirena Coil?


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2005
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I've had Mirena coils for the past 10 years and it stopped my periods completely so I had no idea when I was ovlating. Well, I had the coil removed first week in July when we got back from Honeymoon. As AF hadn't been visiting, I had no idea when I was ovalating so started using ovulation sticks from the beginning. I got a positive line on the 12th July, then AF arrived on the 28th, so I presumed I have approx a 32 day cycle. The next months have been : 32, 32, 33, 31, so all seems normal.

When the doctor was removing my coil I asked her if it was like the pill and would take months to get back to normal, and she said no. Basically, the reason that it stops AF visiting is it stops the lining of the womb thickening for implantation, and immediately it was removed, I would be back to normal. So, if my cycle was timed right, and we had BD any time in the 5 days prior to having it removed, I could have potentially been pg immediately. Obviously that didn't happen!

The reason for my post is to find out if anyone else has managed to conceive after having this, and how long it took them. I have read on the Mirena site, and it all says that I could get pg now, but 5 months on and I'm still here :? . I know it's going to take time, but I would just like to talk to anyone out there who has experienced this please?

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