Has anyone else just not felt quite right since the birth?


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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I was fine for the first month after Ella's birth but then it started to become painful when I went to the loo (no2) and I went to the docs and was told I had a fissure (sp?) probably related to constipation and everything being delicate after the birth. I've had problems on and off in that department since the birth and in addition I keep getting random aches and pains in my back, uterus etc....

Anyone else have any of this or did you all snap back into shape and are back to normal?
Everything else is back in shape except I have the same prob as you with no2. I've just been told tge same as you and that it's nothing to worry about x
i feel like my whole body has fallen apart tbh nothing feels quiet right or like it used too
On the whole I feel great but like you no2's are painful. Also (TMI alert) first two weeks had the most painful postnatal constipation (collapsed one day with the pain!) but since then every time I go to the loo it's like rabbit poo! Hard round lumps that are difficult and painful to pass. Anyone else had this?
I know this is waaaaaay TMI but on and off, when I have been going for a no2 it has felt like it is ripping down there. I've had some cream from the doc which has helped it heal and some sachets called laxido to help soften things but as soon as things get better I keep making the mistake of stopping the treatment and as a result it's all not completely healed yet.

I am changing my diet as of today and starting to drink much more water and have more veg and fruit in my diet- I'm hoping this will sort the problem once and for all.
I think problems with number 2s are quite common after giving birth, I was fine for the first couple of weeks but then suddenly got really bad piles (sorry, TMI I know!) and I had to really psyche myself up before going for a poo, it hurt so bad I would end up in tears! Thankfully that's all resolved now and I haven't had any problems for the last couple of months, but on the whole I still don't feel "normal".

My main problem is with my ligaments and joints - I feel like an old woman! I actually badly strained some ligaments in my back just before Christmas and it was so bad I couldn't even sit up straight, let alone tend to Cahal and as OH couldn't get time off work to look after us both I ended up spending 9 days at my parents house - thankfully they were on holidays anyway else I would have been really stuck! I saw my dads chiropractor who basically told me that pregnancy completely fks your joints up and wasn't at all surprised when I told it wasn't just my back, but also my hips, knees, ankles and wrists. Even my fingers hurt some days :( She said it was because my hormones are still messing and things are starting to contract, which is not only painful, but more likely to cause a strain or tear. Brilliant!

I also think (and this makes me feel really sad) that I left it too late to have my first baby. I'm know I'm not totally ancient (I'm 32) but I do feel my body just isn't what it used to be and I wish I'd started a family in my 20s now. I desperately want at least one more baby for Cahal to have a little brother or sister, but the way I feel now I'm not sure I could cope with it physically! Not afterwards anyway!
I know this is waaaaaay TMI but on and off, when I have been going for a no2 it has felt like it is ripping down there. I've had some cream from the doc which has helped it heal and some sachets called laxido to help soften things but as soon as things get better I keep making the mistake of stopping the treatment and as a result it's all not completely healed yet.

I am changing my diet as of today and starting to drink much more water and have more veg and fruit in my diet- I'm hoping this will sort the problem once and for all.

Yup you're describing EXACTLY how I feel! x
I've started doing squats and lunges as I express in a morning (nice imagery there for you girls!) and I've noticed my knees and hips clicking. Is this my ligaments then? Also I had mild SPD when preggers which went before I gave birth. Now if I put my boots on and head out for a walk my fanny bone starts to hurt. Anyone else?
This morning Blake was in his chair on the kitchen floor as I was expressing and I was doing my squats and lunges AND entertaining him by singing The Birdy Song at the same time! (with backing track on my laptop!). I am such a cool mum...not!
On the whole I feel great but like you no2's are painful. Also (TMI alert) first two weeks had the most painful postnatal constipation (collapsed one day with the pain!) but since then every time I go to the loo it's like rabbit poo! Hard round lumps that are difficult and painful to pass. Anyone else had this?

Ive had exactly this!! :( One time it took 3 days for me to finally pass it. I was in so much pain and it sounds funny but at some points my body was trying to push (like in labour!)
Yep i've had the same gone back to taking some lactulose to see whether that will help and can let things heal things up fully!!!

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