Has anyone else considered taking a Cb digital test again?


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2013
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I have just bought another Cb digital test with the conception indicator so I can see if it changes to the last one I took. Has anyone else done this?
It was because of one of these I had an inkling that I was about to miscarry last year, as it said I was 3-4 weeks when I was actually 6-7!
This whole not knowing is driving me crazy, and I will actually welcome morning sickness when and if it turns up!

The clear blue tests do from date of ovulation and not from lmp so they don't go higher then 3-4 weeks I don't think. It says it all in the instructions. I made sure when I brought mine I only brought a one pack so I wasn't tempted later to do another. Im sure you will get signs soon that all is fine. It is the longest 8 weeks of our lives I think before the 12 week scan! Xx
I thought clearblue digis only went up to 3+ weeks?
I was tempted to do another at around 6 weeks to see if mine went up but I didn't end up buying one, I think it would have caused me unnecessary stress.
I have 1 left and currently putting it off! I done one 2 days ago and came up 'not pregnant' . My frer tests are coming back great, well haven't done one since yesterday. I've done 2 really cheap cheapies (stupidly thin green handled ones!) but they've come back really weak which is making me worry a tad :( so I'm now scared to do my cb digi as will go into major panic mode if it comes back 'not pregnant' again xx
They only go to up to 3+ regardless of how far gone you are..

I took one as a joke at 18 weeks & said 3+
I took two, first to try and figure out how far I was - although it only said 3 + so didn't clear anything up! then another a couple of weeks later as I was worrying about things going wrong and figured it'd go down if anything had, still came up 3+ again. went back to cheaper ones to satisfy my paranoia after that!
I know, they go up to three weeks from ovulation, but that would be 5 weeks since lmp. My Cb digi last time said 1-2 weeks which is 3-4 since lmp.
So if I do another this week it should say 2-3 or 3+.
I just wanted to know if anyone was as paranoid as me xxx

I did my first one at 11dpo and got pregnant 1-2.

I'm doing another one on Thursday, hoping for a Pregnant 2-3 and I've got another ready for next week to see my 3+.

I'm away from home this week, so I made sure I brought one with me!!

Hi Chrissie, I did!! I got my positive with a FRER the day before my period was due. They were really strong lines so I didn't do another one, but I really didn't have any symptoms for the next week or so, so I eventually bought a clearblue digi just to check I was definitely still pregnant. Soooo expensive! But I'm glad I did as it put my mind at rest- seeing it say 3+ meant I knew that my levels had increased. I didn't start getting symptoms (apart from v sore boobs!) until at least week 6 if that helps. I can't wait to have my scan and see that everything's ok so I can completely sympathise- I'm sorry about your miscarriage- it must make everything more worrying but I'm SURE it will all be fine this time. Congrats and look after yourself :-) Ruby xxx
Hi ruby, thankyou for tour reply! Yeah I thought I was just overly obsessive! But I can't wait to see the 3+ come up! Xxx
I also did this! I had a two pack and tested five days before my period was due! (Yes yes I know). It came back as pregnant 1-2 so I did one a week later and got 2-3. That was enough for me - I was just pleased that it seemed to be going up accurately. I totally get your obsession!!!
Yeah I've done it. Had two early miscarriages before my little girl and with the second one I did a CB digi the day before I miscarried, should have been coming up 2-3 weeks and was still 1-2 so I knew it wasn't looking good. Then with my little girl I was thrilled when I finally saw 2-3 weeks come up. This pregnancy I've seen my 2-3 weeks and wished I'd waited a bit longer to see the 3+ just so I'd seen it! But when you've had a loss I definitely think you do anything to try and prepare yourself for it happening again and taking the tests reassures you everything is still ok x
Hi I got a 1-2 at 13dpo last Saturday... will be waiting another week now before using another in hope to see 3+! Good luck xx
Hi I re took another today! I got 1-2 at 14dpo and I got 2-3 today which is 6 days later. I took it today as I had some spotting, so hopefully you gp will reassure me later! Xx
Not to try and worry anyone but please dont waste your time on repeating digi tests just for the reassurance that all is well.
If there was a problem u would experience pain / bleeding then that would be your sign.
If it was a case of a missed mc and u hadnt experienced any pain / beleeding then the test results will still go up as a missed mc is when your body fails to realise something is wrong so hcg continues to increase. I did a digi day before a scan at 10 weeks last Nov and it came up instantly at 3+ but the following day i was told at scan baby had stopped developing 5 weeks or so before!
I know its nice to see the indicator going up and i did 3 cb digis with my current pregnancy, i just mean please dont use them as a way of checking all is ok cos it doesnt work like that. If u have pain / bleeding then get checked out, if u dont then just think positive until your scans x
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