Has anyone done the Atkins diet?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2008
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Hello ladies, I don't know if this is the right place to put this but here we go,

I started the Atkins yesterday, i did it a few years ago and it worked really well. I only managed about 3 weeks tho and am hoping to do a bit longer this time so I was just wondering if anyone else had done it and maybe had some tips or recepies? It's quite difficult in the first 2 weeks cos its basically meat meat or more meat :rotfl: oh and cheese so was wondering if anyone had actually made it through the first 2 weeks at all?

Me!!! Lost a load of weight too... :) Did it with a friend from work... also started going to the gym so I don't know if that helped at all...But I felt great and got down to a dress size 8 again.... Then my Crohn's got bad, and I ended up on a years long course of steroids and it all went to pot.. :roll: After that I got pregnant... so I'm a size 12... (which is huge to me.. ) So will be doing it again when I finish breastfeeding...

:D :D
Did you just eat loads of meat? like tonight we are having a mixed grill for tea and tomorrow will have a fry up and in the day i'm having scrambled eggs and bacon, which just sounds crazy on a diet lol
I lost a sh*t load of weight doing it then ended up in hospital with really bad abdominal pains - turned out it had messed up my digestive system right royally. :shock:

Im ok now though but wouldnt touch it again even to look like Kate Moss.....I may reconsider if it made me look like Heidi Klum...but definitely not Kate Moss.. :lol:
I do it every now and again when im bored of cambridge. Love having eggs and bacon!
Morganuk said:
what does it entail hun?

basically you can only have 20g of net cards a day, from what I underatnd net carbs are the carbs from sugar (correct me if i'm wrong ladies cos i'm still gettng to grips with it all), for the first 2 weeks you can have liberal amounts of any meat, fish, cheese, cream and butter. You can only have de-caf (which is bad for me cos i love my tea!) and only have splenda, rather than real sugar. You can't have any fruit, bread, grains, alcohol or startchy veg for 2 weeks too. You can have a bit of salad a day and some veg, so long as it is not starchy (so no spuds), no rice and so on. The therory is that your body spends so much time curning carbs that it never burns fat, so by cutting out all carbs your body will suddenly start burning the fat and you loose weight RAPID. Then after the first 2 weeks you can introduce more and more carbs till your loosing weight at a good pace (like 2-3lb a week). And wine is back on the menu :pray:

Last time I did it I lost a stone and a half in 3 weeks but then went away to Milan and ate loads of pasta :rotfl: so I kinda ruined it!
Jen&James said:
I lost a sh*t load of weight doing it then ended up in hospital with really bad abdominal pains - turned out it had messed up my digestive system right royally. :shock:

That sounds really bad!!!! I know you have to be careful not to get constipated cos your cutting out all the fiber at first and you have to take multivitamins (which i'm not yet - gonna get some today tho)

tbh i think i went a bit OTT with it and didnt really intro carbs back in and got a bit obsessed :oops:

So now when i diet i do a diluted version where i allow myself "good" carbs - wholemeal pasta rather than white pasta and no potatoes but I do eat cereals and tbh i find it works just as well and i feel a lot healthier :cheer:
Jen&James said:
tbh i think i went a bit OTT with it and didnt really intro carbs back in and got a bit obsessed

So now when i diet i do a diluted version where i allow myself "good" carbs - wholemeal pasta rather than white pasta and no potatoes but I do eat cereals and tbh i find it works just as well and i feel a lot healthier

Wow really? Cause i'm not into eating NO carbs for 2 long, I mean 2 weeks is ok but i don't want to go any longer than that. I was thinking of having some allbran or something like that for brekkie just to kind of erm help things keep moving :oops: :oops: ,Not a lot is moving at the mo lol, do you think that would be ok after the 2 weeks? Cos you do introduce some carbs after the 2 weeks but not many, it's about an extra 5g a day! And also did you JUST eat loads of meat, I know you can have a tiny amount of salad or veg a day but surly it cant hurt just to have a bit more.......can it? I have lost 3lbs tho and I started it on Monday so it is working!
I did eat loads of veggies and salad but i did completely cut out carbs - i.e. no fruit either - and i think thats what did me in. I was the slimmest i have ever been and LOVED going shopping :lol: but I was also very unhealthy and tbh when I look back at pics of myself I dont look well - my skin is very dull and I generally look ill.

So go for it but dont go OTT on it like I did! :hug:
I lost about 3 stone on it a few years ago but I then gave up smoking, substituted chocolate for cigarettes and put on 4 stone :wall:

I did it for six months or more, I'll have a think about what I used to eat and will post something late (can't think right now cos I'm dying for a pee and OH is hogging the bathroom! :lol: )

I haven't done it again since as I only found it easy to do while single, I can't be doing with cooking two meals each night.

Edit: Back from the bathroom now and feeling a bit more relaxed :D I think I used to have a lot of fry ups, food did get very borining but the longer you do it the more your appitite decreases. I think I missed potatoes and sandwiches most, for lunch most days I had sausages I cooked the night before (ones with about 90% meat), I got very bored of sausages though, sometimes I'd roast a chicken and have the legs for lunch the next couple of days and the breast meat with some veg in the evening. I'm usually a relatively good cook but I never had much variety while on Atkins. It does work but be really careful when you stop as the weight can pile back on. Good luck :hug:
I know what you mean mrs metal - it gets soooooo boring, both my and my oh are doing it so we been eating loads of fry ups and mixed grils and i have been having more veg that your suppose to but i'm still loosing weight. I am stick to death of fryups now, and i have been eating omlets for dinner, which are also getting boring lol. Am gonna perservere till xmas, if I can and then have a not dieting xmas and then go on weight watchers. Well thats the plan :rotfl:
The only good time to be on Atkins is during the BBQ season, you get to stuff yourself with all the lovely BBQ's meat :D But do be careful of all the Christmas food though, the Christmas immediatly after I stopped Atkins I put on half a stone in one week! (but that was mainly due to me being very greedy!)

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