FAO Jen&James&pumpkin!


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Jen i started the atkins yesterday and i remember reading that you did it and did very well on it. I was wondering it if you had any tips, meal ideas at all for me?

I will give you a run down of what i have done the last 2 days.


B: Bacon and scrambed eggs
L:Well i didnt have any
T:Roast chicken with roasted onions and mushrooms.


B: Omlette with chicken,mushrooms,
And sod all else as of yet!
I lost a stone and a half in 6 weeks doing the Atkins and I kept a stone of it off too when I went back to eating naughty carbs! :cheer:

Ahhh I remember it well, decaf coffee with an inch of cream on the top... Greasy spoon breakfasts... Cheese and ham sandwiches for lunch (that is ham sandwiched between two slices of leerdammer cheese)...
Cream coffee sounds fab, im guns ditch the red milk immediately lol, ooo cream tea as well.

I juast want to know what people put on their shoppig lists really
meat eggs and cheese.....butter...cream and i think that was all we were allowed bk in the old days when atkins 1st book came out..not sure how the new diet works...

Ooo a thread for me!!! :hug: :hug: :hug: I feel all loved now! Lol

Well for me I ate loooads of tuna fish cos i love it! Lots of sea food salads, bacon, eggs and mushrooms for brekkie, but what i did try and do was use frylite and grill stuff rather than using butter cos even if it works i dont think its very healthy.

One of my faves was hard boiled eggs, tuna fish, green beans, tomatoes, all mixed up in a bowl with a bit of chilli powder. YUM!

Also, if you can get your hands on a slimming world book or google slimming world recipes, any of the red day stuff is great.

Essentially you are just cutting out carbs. So no potatoes, noodles, bread, rice etc.

For a sandwich I would use lettuce leaves. One of the nicest was ice burg lettuce, put wafer thin ham in, mayonaisse and roll up the ice berg leaf around the ham and mayo. Yum!

Hope that helps chick
:hug: :hug: :hug:

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