Has anyone decided this is the last pregnancy?


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2015
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I have two beautiful little girls and now I'm pregnant with my third baby. I am excited about it and cannot wait to expand our family however I just don't have the same energy as I did when I was pregnant with my first baby. I'm exhausted being pregnant and looking after a 2 & 3 year old. I have decided that this is my final pregnancy and to be honest it feels a tad sad that this will be my last first trimester, my last BFP, my last morning sickness etc but I know that it's the right decision to stop after this baby. I was wondering if you have decided that this is your last pregnancy too? :)
Yes this is our last one too we have a 3yr old little girl we lost one and are due end feb i always count as us having 2kids already and this one as our third im jus not enjoying this pregnancy as much as i should because of mc so the worry is shadowing it xx
Yep me, I'm definitely not having another. I'm thinking of getting sterilised after this one. We couldn't afford three and I don't think I could go through another pg and manage a third.
Yes this is my 3rd and final baby :( It does make me sad I will never experience any of it again after this but 3 was always our limit for practical reasons xx
This one is 99% sure our last - 2 is all we could manage comfortably (financially) so makes sense, but I still can't get my head round this being our 'last'. I think cos I'm still I tri 1 and it hasn't even really sunk in that im pregnant that I can't get my head round that everything I'm experiencing is 'the last time'

I think I'll find it harder when baby is here and they reach all the milestones etc xx
We only ever planned to have 2 babies, this is our second and I'm hoping this is my last pregnancy and baby sticks all the way through.
I wouldn't say we'd 100% not have a 3rd. We've never discussed it, but I'm about 90% sure we'll be sticking at 2.

Sad really :(

PP xXx
I don't have any children, this is our first and the way I'm feeling right now with this feeling sick 24/7 I'd say right now I'm not doing it again. Sounds silly but I'm not coping, it's draining me emotionally and physically.
If we can afford to move to a 3 bed we will be having a 3rd.

But im only 7-8wks pregnant with my 2nd so ill focus on this pregnancy 1st!

But Im one of 7(inc halfs) and lived with 3 of them. So big families is all ive known xx
I don't have any children, this is our first and the way I'm feeling right now with this feeling sick 24/7 I'd say right now I'm not doing it again. Sounds silly but I'm not coping, it's draining me emotionally and physically.

Eaw123.... Just wait until they're here and pregnancy will feel like a walk in the park! lol :lol:

PP xXx
This is most probably our last, if we end up financially better off and able to afford bigger house/bigger cars then maybe a third but think we are stopping at two. I do feel sad it could be the last time I get to be pregnant and hold my newborn for the first time and all the stages after that. I suppose you have to stop somewhere though! Xx
tri jumping ! this is my third I have a 21 month old and a 3 year old already thinking this may be my last ! never say never though x
I don't have any children, this is our first and the way I'm feeling right now with this feeling sick 24/7 I'd say right now I'm not doing it again. Sounds silly but I'm not coping, it's draining me emotionally and physically.

I hear you!

This is my first and my last - not to say I regret it, absolutely thrilled and looking forward to the baby (fingers crossed things go well...), but we were on the fence about having children at all as we both work lots and live far from family.
Yes! Most certainly out last!

We have three already and that was how it was going to stay, this one is a very late surprise :)
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This is our last also- was a total surprise and I'm booking hubby in for snip as soon as this baby is born lol! Will be our 3rd- we decided 2 was enough but I remember after my daughter was born I told the MW I would be back lol x
We actually discussed this today. If we have a boy we may try for a third in a few years, otherwise if this is a girl this will be it. (Planned anyway lol)
this is my last one, due to finances it would be near impossible for us to have a third although i would have love more. im 25 and my energy isn't same with this one and my first i gpt hyperemises gradvarium i have a feeling im heading that way again. i feel terrible sick from the min i wake to min i fall asleep and i cant sleep for feeling sick. i am holding back om being sick cos i hate being sick xx

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