Has anyone been feeling their little ones moving yet?


Active Member
Jun 3, 2008
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Just wondering when everyone has started feeling flutters/proper baby movements? I think it was about 5 months with my first baby, I have little feelings of pressure every so often so Im not sure if thats little movements or just wishful thinking lol x
Hello :wave:

This is my second baby too and I started feeling him move a lot earlier than the first at around 17 weeks. So could be any day for you now!
With Lucy I felt her at 16 weeks and it was strange because I knew that it was her I was feeling. This time I'm not sure, I had two or three little feelings last night that I think was the baby and actually as I'm writing this I felt another that might have been baby but I too am wondering if its all just wishful thinking!

I guess I have to just wait and see if what I'm feeling gets stronger and more obvious?!
Hi Becky - I am only 1 day ahead of you in our pregnancy's. Im 16 weeks and 2 days today lol!! I cant wait to feel proper little flutters again x
Thought i felt flutters early on but nothing now.

Just alot of wind tumbling about
for the first time the other day! i had a headache & led in bed with one of those 4head strips on, i was trying really hard to relax and i felt three little pokes, it was ace!
Yep!!!! Earlier than I thought too :lol:

Felt like little butterfly beating their wings against the inside of my tummy last night whilst in bed....felt so unlike gas I know it was bubs :D
Ahh its not fair, I want to feel little flutters too. When we had our first scan yesterday the baby wasnt very active (altho he/she was moving slightly) but the nurse said baby was probably just snoozing at the time lol!!

Ninja Womble - there is only one day between us I think as Im 16 weeks and 2 days with a due date of 7th Dec. :D
:rotfl: cant believe its gone off again!! lol. You can tell Im just a novice at this
I felt LO thought I felt LO at 11 1/2 weeks for definate from 13 weeks!! This is my 4th though!
This is my 3rd, & for the last week or so (Im 18 weeks) Ive felt some weird movements until just now when I got my 1st proper kick!!
Hi Cherub - it's nice to have someone to compare with who's the same stage!!

The more I'm thinking about it and the more I'm reading other people's comments the more I'm convinced that what I felt was definitely the baby! It is always around the same area and its a specific feeling that I can't really describe but is def not wind or tummy gurgling!!
Hi Becky, yes theres only a day or so between our due dates!! I just have an odd feeling of pressure every now and then, happened again last night when I was bathing my 2 year old!! No proper flutters just yet but Im sure they wont be too long.

When we had our scan on Monday the first pic she took was baby looking towards us and putting his/her finger upto the mouth as if to say sshhh lol so maybe he/she just wants peace and quiet and is a chilled out little one!! I cant stop looking at the scan pics - we were given 5 in total. They are amazing. xx
I'm still waiting :| Felt some rumbles I think but when I lie still and wait for them nothing, no proper kicks yet but hopefully won't be long!
I've felt loads of little flutters and twitching today. I know its whitey, just doesn't feel like anything else.

I felt a bit of a prod earlier when I was working away and was a bit shocked I think i forget I'm pregnant sometimes :)

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