Has anyone been dead set on a name then changed their minds when baby was born?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Since we found out our baby is a girl, we are now 100% decided she is going to be called Poppy.
Loads of people have said to me "You'll change your mind when she's born, she might not look like a Poppy!" and I was wondering if anyone has ever been 100% certain on the name they've chosen, only to change their minds when the baby was born?
We were dead set on bethan but before she was born we changed it to ezziemai and tht stuck luckily it suits her xXx
I was 100% set on Olivia and didn't change when I saw her :) x

We were set on Noah until we found out he was definately a boy and my sister suggested Sebastian. It fit him even in the womb so it stayed :)
I wanted Rudi the whole way through until I was 35 weeks then decided on Charley!
Lacey was the opposite! I had her name picked from 12 weeks although I didn't know what I was having but after I had her I wanted to call her Tori-Grace but OH said we can't change her name now!
My OH has 2 children from a previous relationship and with his son they called him Jo all the way through her pregnancy but when he was born he said he didn't look like a Jo he looked like an little old man all wrinkly so they changed it to Alfie
one of my firends has 2 boys, when she was preg with first she was set on brendan, she said it didnt suite him when he was born and hes now issac!
her sister has 2 girls and she couldnt decided then at 30weeks she was set on mia when she was born she became megan-mea, with her second they couldnt find out the sex and eventually settled on the name sophie-mea.

i know loads of people that have changed their minds and its my biggest worry, as OH is set on a name, that i dont love 100%
we are dead set on dainton and dont think there would be any changing oh's mind as was his choice. xxx
I was sure If i had a boy he would be Reece or Mason, but we didn't choose either, Ethan wasn't even on our list! Its funny how he just didnt suit either of the other 2 names! This time im keeping my options open in case it happens again! x
we had no names we could agree on. But my lo ended up with one of our chosen middle names as his name!!
We're calling our little one Jack. I doubt very much that we'll change our minds when we see him because we refer to him as Jack so it would be weird to call him anything else now! Plus we have lots of things with 'Jack' on them lol x
Emily was the girls name I wanted from before I was pregnant. Since I found out I'm having a girl Emily is the name I'm set on. I can't imagine calling her anything else now, so I'm hoping she suits it, if not she'll have to grow into it :lol:

My friend decided on Andrew before he was born and she said he didn't look like an Andrew at first but he they kept it and he looks like Andrew now :)

We're calling our little one Jack. I doubt very much that we'll change our minds when we see him because we refer to him as Jack so it would be weird to call him anything else now! Plus we have lots of things with 'Jack' on them lol x

Yeah, we are already referring to her as Poppy :)
My little girls dad he liked the name Lily after his nan (i wasnt so keen on it at first) thought it sounded awful but the more i said the name i began to like it and thats her name now.. i was set on the name Kayleah at first but i cant imagine calling her anything else.. I Love the name Lily :)
I wanted Rudi the whole way through until I was 35 weeks then decided on Charley!
Lacey was the opposite! I had her name picked from 12 weeks although I didn't know what I was having but after I had her I wanted to call her Tori-Grace but OH said we can't change her name now!

My Oh is dying on the name rudi lol

Ive never heard it b4 apart from the football player rudi x
I still love the name Rudi, it's so unusual! Charley doesn't suit that name though so might have to get a dog just so I can call something Rudi lol!
we picked madison first time we were preg and stuck with it , i kept picking others but kept going back to madison... when i had her for bout 2 months i was like "what have i done?!" lol but john always loved it and i love it again now haha i think when there here u realise its so permanent xx

When my Sister was expecting, she had picked the name Jenna if the baby was a Girl. When she was born, she called her Simone. It just came out of nowhere, said she looked like a Simone.

It's funny how we all pick names and despite the babies being so small and wrinkly, you can tell right away if the name would suit him/her or not! It's strange really! You never think a name wouldn't suit someone.

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