Has anybody suffered a water infection during early stages of pregnancy??


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Hey girls!

I was just wondering if this is just me or whether it has happened to anybody else..
Basically when I m/c, during my first week of pregnancy I suffered with my first ever water infection...
11 months on I now seem to have a water infection for the second time... I havnt done a HPT as AF is only due in 13/14 days. Do you think this could be connected and I am pregnant again?
It's too early to have any symptoms related to pregnancy until your are at least 8DPO really, and even then it is questionable.

That said, i don't believe much in coincidences either... so who knows :)

It is more likely to be related to personal hygiene of you and hubby, amount of sex you've been having, stress and your diet/fluid intake.

So, i'd start by looking at that and see if there has been anything that could explain it away and try to stay grounded.

Fingers crossed for you, i wouldn't be surprised if you had your BFP being a Louise and all... ;)

Don't be scared of asking in the pregnancy section if you are hoping for answers from people that are actually pregnant :)
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ive had a water infection with this baby at the begining, just gave me anti-biotics and babys still okies
I had it both times actually if i can remember rightly this time! first time MMC then this time. Maybe was coincidence but i did :) xxx
Louise B - I do hope you get your BFP soon! You really deserve it!

Although it's to early I will lay of the antibiotics and just stick with the oh so horrible cranberry juice! I do find it an odd coincidence myself but hey I will find out soon! Xxx
I'd get the anti biotics now and stop the infection before it gets nastly - ask your GP. Most people I know get a water infection in early pregnancy and GP gives out anti biotics so it surely must be safe? You really want to get rid of infection when TTC....
Thanks Tracy, I'll go do that! I do hope it's the coincidence I want it to be! But like LouiseB said it's probably far to early! X
Thanks Tracy, I'll go do that! I do hope it's the coincidence I want it to be! But like LouiseB said it's probably far to early! X

i had it too and just cranberry juice helped ....i didnt take antibiotics as dont feel comfortable about taking meds whilst TTC.
It's a tough one really isn't it...
I had the water infection at the very early stages of my last pregnancy and without realising I was actually pregnant ,, I was taking anti biotics... The pregnancy ended in m/c so I'm a little bit wary but obviously I can't go blaming things like that on for the m/c.
I think I'll ride this one out and see if the cranberry juice eases it.. If things get worse I will go the doctors.
cranberry juice and crazy amounts of water.....u wont get any sleep for peeing but i started with one and just drank loads and loads of water an within 24 hours it had gone xx
Thanks Samsgirl.. I did exactly that.. I swear I have drank that much Water and Cranberry Juice today I have a belly the size of a football! I feel so bloated! But hey I think it has done the trick.. Well it doesn't hurt no more but I can not stop pee'ing! Hopefully I will have a better day tomorrow! Thanks girls!
you'll be fine tomorrow with all that water...if pain too bad take a couple of paracetomol..x
Well I had what I thought was a water infection about a week before I got my BFP as I was peeing loads and really bloated, also lower back pain. Doctor did some brief tests which seemed to come back okay but said it could still be a mild UTI so gave me antibiotics. I told him we were TTC at the time and he said the tablets he prescribed me wouldn't hurt the baby. (unfortunately I did have a MC in my 10th week but I'm certain this was unrelated). Anyway I always wonder whether it was really a UTI or just the early signs of pregnancy. So fingers crossed for you this is a BFP!! :dance:

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