Hardly felt baby move?


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2008
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Today I haven't felt baby move as much as I have over the last few days. Is this normal before delivery? Or should I ring the midwives? I really don't want to pester them if it's nothing as they wil think I'm a worry wart and a pain in the arse!!!
I'm now 4 days overdue, this is all so difficult as I really don;t know what to expect!
Also, is it normal to feel depressed and tearful when you go overdue? I felt awful yesterday and didn't wanna do anything or talk to anyone and cried on and off. Today I feel a bit better but still unhappy. Saw doctor on Monday who said there was nothing he could do for me but just to wait and be patient. He tested urine which had protein in and took BP twice as first reading was slightly high. Got another prescription for iron tabs but they're making me feel ill, so doc told me to come back in 2 weeks time and he'll put me on a course of different iron tabs.....Still having the palpitations, probably getting myself all worked up. Had tests done at hospital, ECG was fine and so was Echoccardiogram. I had to wear a heart monitor for 5 days, but have not had results back from that. Maybe I should chase them??
I didnt want to read and run hun i hope someone can help you out, but i always say if in doubt phone them hun :hug: :hug: hope things start happening for you soon
Hiya hun,

If you are worried i would ring your midwife, im not overdue YET so not sure what is normal and what isnt but its the only way to put your mind at rest. Oh and dont worry about being a worry wart.. we all are! They should be used to it and it is their job!

Let us know how you get on,

Claire x
If you are worried you should phone :hug:

If you are feeling movements then everything is prob fine but you shouldn't sit any worry about it :hug:
Hi Alicat :wave:

I'm 10 days overdue now :( & I too have had decreased movement for 2 weeks now (I only feel her 3/4 times a day), i've got a doppler so thats been keeping me sane & her heartbeat is always fine.

I just think our LO's are getting bigger each day & they are finding it difficult to move as freely being screwed up in a tight ball!!

If you are worried at all though I would give delivery a call, thats what they're there for hun & it's better to be safe.

Good Luck & let us know how you get on. x
Hiya Honey,

Try not to worry yourself too much, it is normal to feel less movement as the baby gets bigger and is engaged as there is less space for them to move. I would still call your midwife and tell them that you are feeling limited movements and I am sure they will be more than happy for you to come in for some checks.

I also think the way you are feeling is completely normal. I know if I went past my due date i would be feeling frustrated, anxious and just plain tired. Personally I feel that the later stages of pregnancy are so uncomfortable and I don't particuly enjoy being limited in what I can do. I got stuck on the floor last night while playing around with my daughter, my OH thought it was hysterical and sat there cackling for about 5 mins while I tried to get back up, in the end he had to hoist me back up!

Re: Iron tabs, I was prescribed them with my last pregnancy and didn't really get on with them so took floridix, which is liquid iron, it is so much easier to digest and is also safe to take while pregnant and breastfeeding, perhaps try that instead. Do run it past your doctor though. Floridix is quite expensive and isn't available on prescription, but I found it so much better than the tablets.

:hug: :hug: Hope you get to meet your baby soon. x
I had reduced movements the other day, and my MW said that only I know whats different for me, and if Im ever worried to always ring delivery suite for advice :hug:
Dont ever feel like you will be mithering them or they will think your a worry wort hun! Seriously! That is what they are there for! :hug: If you are worried then call them! Movements will be reduced and less lively now and feeling depressed is natural when your waiting hun! But it is also a sign that things are getting ready as your hormones get affected!
Try taking your iron tabs at night instead of in the day if they make you ill!
Im sure over the next couple of days we will be reading your labour thread hun! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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