Hard work!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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I never realised how much hard work a baby is! I love her to bits but she really wears me out.
Does it get easier?
How old is your LO?

I've found that some things get easier as they get older, but are then usually replaced by something else :lol:
she's 4 weeks old. To be fair she is a really good well behaved baby but she likes to be cuddled a lot and cries when I put her down so I have to cuddle her until she falls asleep so I can get on with what I have to do.
She does keep me busy though
I just wanted to send lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
It's hard because we love and care so much for them :hug:
Once you get that first smile, which should be in the next few weeks :D
You'll hopefully feel more proud than tired for all your hard work so far :D
Isaac NEVER liked being put down either so I can sympathize with how hard it is to get anything done, or even have alone time for 5mins. When you can, pass her to someone else and get some breaks for yourself, if that's possible. I found if I breastfed Isaac in our bed, in the dark, he'd fall off to sleep, then later on, after I felt he was in deep sleep, I'd move him to his cot. Also put something in the cot/basket that smells strongly of YOU, as that will settle her too, very best wishes :hug:
Ava is the same, shes great during the day, but at night shes very very hard work, she wont settle with my o.h only me which is sweet but at the same time a pain as he cant do the night feeds or if he does i need to be awake to settle her! she is 4 weeks old tomorrow, and yes it is hard work, im constantly exhausted!!!!
it must get easier!!!!
Charlotte also isnt too keen on being put down. We can get her to settle herself sometimes but i think all she wants is to be picked up! I am trying not to all of the time as i do not want to to be unable to settle herself when she is older, but it is hard work.

Any advice for babies who like to be picked up all the time?
Vickyleigh said:
Does it get easier?
lol no!
millie wants attention all the time too. its harder if anything coz at 1 month she only cried for feeding, changing or cuddles but now theres boredom, teething, etc to add to the list! and now she rolls over and grabs things iv got 2 b more careful where i put her down and what i leave in her reach. and shes started waking more in the nite coz she probably needs weaning soon. so id say it gets harder, sorry!
Hi Vickyleigh :D

I remember posting the exact same thing almost 2 years ago now.

It does get easier - or perhaps, the duties change and the routine changes and you both move on, you get used to the routine yourself.

OH and I were only talking about this the other day - he said, after Naomi had wolfed down her tea in about a minute flat - remember when she had to be fed every three hours and it took an hour and a half to feed her?

Now it takes longer to clean up after her *LOL* but she helps so it's not so bad!

*HUG* don't wish this time away, it's precious, even if you are exhausted! I miss Naomi's little baby days, but I wouldn't swap her toddler days for the world.

Im exhausted permanantly, and I have two of them!!!

Lucily i can leave stephen in front of the tv while me and imogen have a kip in the morning!
I think some things get easier some things you just get used to.

D now will be put down and play for a while so i can get the dishes washed or go to the loo on my own.. The feeds get shorted but then comes weaning and you have to start making food..
They start sleeping longer and what is a bad night was the norm a few months ago.

You also find your routines and ways of doing things that works for you..

now D goes to bed at 8 pm i get time to wind down before bed not collapse into bed

:hug: :hug: enjoy the cuddles i miss the constant desire for cuddles already
er... no... At least you can put your baby down, come back and the baby is still in the same place... just wait till they are mobile, then you are in real trouble... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Then they become opinionated 8 year olds, who know more than you, but at least they can get dressed themselves..... that's even more fun.... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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