Hard bumps?


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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Does anyone's bump suddenly go rock hard for a little while then back to normal, mostly in the morning. I know about braxton Hicks as I had them with Tia and that is exactly what it feels like, but isn't it way to early for this. I spoke to my midwife about it and she was very concerned saying I needed to rest (yeh...like I've actually got anything to do!!!), but it usually happens in the morning when I wake up...and I think sleeping would have qualified as resting....right?
Yes this happens to me. I wasn't sure how it could be soft and podgy one minute and then hard the next. I also didn't think you could get those braxton hicks so early on? I thought it was a 3rd tri thing.
i get it int he morning.. i think its bubs moving into a funny position.. coz i mostly sleep on my left.. so its all the way over to the left...n when i get up it moves liek stick out n makes it feel hard n weird
I would say that my bump gets a lot bigger and hard at night. It seems to be more wobbly and smaller in the morning.

I really don't know anything about BH and couldn't tell you if I have experienced them yet ???
i had my 12 (well, 13) week scan last week, and the sonographer had to wait for a while to get a clear picture as i was having braxton hicks at the time... apparently you have them all the way through but only mildly at the start - they increase in intensity further on in pregnancy.
you get braxton hicks from quite early on but you dont usually feel them until roughly halfway through. If your on a 2nd/subsequent pregnancy then you're more likely to feel them earlier.
Hi All,
I'm the same, at night and 1st thing in the morning my bump feels solid and hard. I've not noticed any BH's yet either though, i'm sure they wont be far off!

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