Happy and sad at the same time...


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2011
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Hi Ladies,

I just wanted to ask a question really.

Basically I started getting C.Mucas (egg white like - that means I'm ovulating right?) on Monday. I have had it every day until today (Thursday) which must mean I am finished ovulating?
Last night I also had the darkest line I've ever had on the Ov strips (it was about the same colour as control line)
So thats the reason I'm happy!!!

Now for why I'm sad... my partner has come down with an illness, thus meaning no sex! (Grrrr) We had sex on Sunday (day before I notice C.M) And then sex again on Tuesday. That was it.
I really think it would have inceased our chances had we have of had sex yesterday too (weds)

Do you think sex on Sunday and Tuesday is not enough? :( This is so annoying because I have never had a dark line like that before and now the month where I FINALLY get one, I can't have as much sex as I would like!
It's always possible hun, we only did it three times the month I fell.

Good luck :)

Its very pos hun, sperm can survive for up 3 - 5 days so it is possible
Hi hunnie
You can ovulate 24-36 hrs after a positive opk so that would be today or tommorrow. Sperm can live a few days in the fallopian tube but I'd think it would be more likely to catch if you were to bd yesterday or today. Anything is possible hun, fx xx
We only did it twice the month I got caught xxxxxxx
Thanks for the replies! It has given me some hope.
Anyway, its been about 4/5 days since ovulation now and I have sore breasts?? (only when I push them or poke) I've also been getting weird twinges of pain, mainly lower right side. Only lasts for a second each time, and its not super painful, just enough for new to notice it really.
I've decided I can't get my hopes up because I might be devastated yet again if/when I come on.. But they are good signs right?
4 or 5 dpo is early but they could be. pre-occupy yourself for the next week and then do a test, good luck!!
I had really sore boobs at around 5dpo too, i was also still getting strong lines on ovulation strips, im a bit of a :poas: lol, i tested positive on a HPT at 8dpo, i have my fingers crossed for you xx
good luck hun :) your defo in for a chance i reckon. me and my oh have only managed it 3 times in the passed two weeks and prob only once over ov:eh:

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