Hand chewing


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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Sophia was encouraged (NOT by me :mad:) to suck her hands when she was two weeks old, and although I didn't really like it, it'd not been much of a problem until now.

She's now a proper thumb sucker, which again isn't too much of a problem, but a couple of days ago we tried her on a dummy, as she was wanting to suck for comfort, but wouldn't keep her thumb in. More to the point, she tries to get all 10 hands in - which quite often results in her making herself sick!

She took to the dummy really well, and it's been a lovely couple of days! But she still wants to suck her hands, even when the dummy is in, which knocks it out, and she cries....!

Anyone got any advice?! It's hard work and a bit beside the point to put the dummy in and then sit there holding her hands away!
No advice I'm afraid. Oscar is a finger sucker/biter but I just let him do it, it's just exploration (and teething), he sticks his fingers in when he has a mouthful of cereal and loves it lol
think shes just exploring. Alfie does it too but more because hes teething x
Noa sucks on his thumb a lot n we had a period when he really tried to get both hands in n made himself sick. It has passed now tho n its just the right thumb. I think she's just exploring n it will soon pass (noa did this for about 6-8 weeks tho) xx
Matthew does it aswell, he is starting to teethe!
It's a pretty normal thing for them to do, so I wouldn't worry, she will grow out of it!
would swaddlin the lo not help just for a few days to let her see that the dummy does just as good of job as her hands

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