Halfway through the tax return


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2007
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so I'm stopping for a cuppa, biscuits and a v v quick browse :fib:

Actually only taken 2 hours to do so far and not much left :D Having one of those serendipity days where every document I need, I put my hands straight on - even though my office still isn't unpacked from all the renovations
no - last year I did it the day before and delivered on the day - only ever takes me a day and thats for 2 of them

I wonder if its all the years I worked for the council that all the silly forms and record keeping almost make sense to me now :wink:
:cheer: :cheer: It's done :dance: :dance:

well apart from the fact I need another employed bit - forgot I finished my a job 3 weeks into the tax period so just need to get another bit from the tax office tomorrow and fill it in there to add to it

and DH's done as well - and I didn't lie to get him in trouble...tempting though :wink:
dont get me started with tax returns

being an accoutnant the office not stoped ringing with clients past month since jan 08 with late accounts still not done half of them we had so much in
sorry - I shan't mention them at all :shhh:

but at least you know what you're doing..I just guess :wink:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I did OHs this year as I was worried he wouldn't do them on time. They are so much easier to do online - it was great! Or as great as tax returns get :think:

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