Hairy Belly?


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2011
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Has anyone elses belly got really hairy? i know some people get the "snail trail" line whilst pregnant...but i am starting to notice it all over my belly!
Yes, and it's vile, I feel like some ape.
Yep!I have tiny light hairs all over mine!! I was told NOT to shave them as they come back thicker and darker!! I was also told if you leave them, they soon dissapear after baby is born :) x x
:) i feel like Bigfoot ... Ok maybe abit dramatic! I am not liking this part of pregnancy! I thought the hair on my head might get thicker and longer not once did it occur to me that it'll be growing everywhere! :)

Lilmoomin: thank you! At least we can all be happy that it'll dissappear! :)
My darling husband is comlaining about my legs - if i do them in the morning he asks at night if i bothered. lol
Yep light hairs all over belly! There was a wee dark one to start with that I plucked, but now I can't bloody see that part of my belly lol.

Lots and lots around my belly button and they are really long :-(
Yip! They started off fine blond hairs now they're gettin darker uh oh! x
Yep :(
I also saw a post on here that they soon go after the baby is born. Mine are quite dark, I even have one right out the centre of my belly button TMI!! Thats annoying. x
ROFL our OHs will be coming to the zoo to visit us soon. Yep I too have a fine pelt of downy hair over my belly.
I look like a monkey lol

Please don't give me feed lines like this, I can't help myself.

And the reply is....


We know, we've seen the pics!!!

So sorry, I think it's a form of tourettes.

I'll get my coat.
5 more months...i'm going to have dreadlocks hanging from the belly! haha

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