Hair Or Concert?


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2005
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Right I am sad, I have the choice by my OH to get my hair done for going back to work or going to see Girls Aloud in concert.

Argh I can't make up my mind, I love Girls Aloud, sad I know, I seen them last year in concert but I want to go again. Their music cheers me up and reminds me of my good old clubbing days, pre pregnancy... But I need my hair done, want to go back to dark brown as the up keep of my bleached highlights is too expensive.

What is a girl to do?? :doh:
go to see girls aloud and buy a DIY loreal dye from the shop for a fiver,

everyone happy :D

No I wouldn't touch my hair, it's at my waist! What if it went wrong, I'd be f*cked, and even more self conscious than usual.x :oops:
get your hair done!rent a dvd for entertainment i reckon :D

of course if you are think 'oh but i want to go to the concert' then you have already made your mind up ;)
Hair, hair, hair! Will make you feel better for longer :D

And if you go and watch Girls Aloud (if you're anything like me) you'll get depressed at their trim lithe figures ;)
LOL Rosieroo, you're right, after watching them I'd come home feel down and crash diet for a month! :wink:
K X said:
No I wouldn't touch my hair, it's at my waist! What if it went wrong, I'd be f*cked, and even more self conscious than usual.x :oops:

My hairs the same length, but i hate hairdressers, i wont go to one, my sister does mine, and she does it better than i could imagine.

But in this case i would go to the concert :D
I would have my hair done, it always makes me feel better
are u Layla? that's gr8! Shame u dont live up here, i'd book ya! :wink:
i havent done it for over a year now, not sure i would be any good still lol

Defo have your hair done babes, it will pep you up a treat. xx
I would get the hair but I would keep the highlights if you can. Once they are gone its hard to get them back especially if you dye it a dark colour. Been there done that and now I have my highlighted hair but its shorter than I would have liked,

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