Hair loss..


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2012
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Hi ladies,
I'm nearly 12 weeks pp and my hair has started to fall out over the last week or so. I know some dead hair falls out which is normal but this is ALOT! I mean I can literally run my fingers through my hair and ill get loads of hair coming away. When it's down it falls out on its own and Madison is covered in hair.
My pillow in the morning has loads on it too.

Has anyone experienced this/know what it could be?

My good friend google tells me that it is normal but surely not this much?!

Thank you
Yes I thought the same, mine started around the same time and its still falling out and my baby is nearly 20 weeks! Drives me insane, I can stand in the shower and wash and comb conditioner through it and I literally get handfuls. Kaiden is always covered in it and got it in his hands too. Xx

Yep that happens too! It's awful isn't it?
I'm worried ill to bald! :(
Same thing here.

You don't loose the hair during you're pregnancy so it all comes out after.

It will settle though hun, don't worry.

Yep same here! It literally comes out in clumps and I'm constantly picking them off Aaron x

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Yeah same happenings with me too. Hair everywhere,drives me mad!lol xx
Unfortunately its common. I was clogging the drain 3-4 months postpartum.but it stopped.

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Thank you for the replies. Weird now our bodies work during and after pregnancy! I just hope it settles down soon x
Yep lots and lots of hair loss, only started slowing down for me when Harry turned 6 months xx
Exactly the same story here Im afraid. Was scary biscuits for a time. I've got lots new growth now which is just as irritating because In waiting for it to get long enough to trim grrrr.

Using Tapatalk can't see no tickers grrrrr.
Very very normal. Was scary the amount of hair I lost. But it eased off at 5 months. And now at 6 it's back to normal :) xx

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